Chapter 18 Part 1 - Choosing Classes

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Abel was waving wildly at Addor.. "Over here! This one, this class! Over here!"

In the busy courtyard groups of children, with their animals sticking to them like glue, the students huddled around the teachers. One teacher to a group, some teachers came up empty while others had up to up to seven kids. Each group was separated by animal and profession. Meaning mostly that the children who wanted to learn to fight had a class apart from the others.

This was the first time Addor saw so many people in one place in this world and it made her uncomfortable. She also felt as if she were seeing double all over the place. Addor crouched back into the shadows around the building to avoid the glances her way to calm down. Addor was not about to go out into the center of the plaza towards where Abel was waving her over.

She looked around, observing, for a little while longer before her gaze happened upon a large man just entering the plaza himself. With his large top and short legs, even though he was tall, Addor knew exactly who and what he made her think of.

Without a second thought, she walked into the plaza, a quickness to her step. Her eyes were looking only at one person as she swerved around groups without a glance in their direction. She didn't even bother with the surprised looks turning her way. As she passed some of the students even noticed the small girl beelining towards the large, imposing guy standing alone at the edge of the plaza. Most of them had thought that he was a guard considering his forceful aura and continued to watch, expecting to see a show as the two clashed.

The large man had noticed the small girl by now. Her excited expression and sparkling eyes staring straight at him made him gulp in surprise. He tensed and, as she got closer, straightened his back to his full height. His arms folded in front of his chest, his eyes looking down at her, a large ax seen hanging from his back; not even the strongest kid in any of the groups on the plaza would dare go near him, but he was surprised to see not even a pause in the girl's stride. 

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