Chapter 39 Part 2 - Killing Family

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The last boar was one of the children. In fact, it was the one who'd smelled whatever it was that the parents had fought over. It was not cowering, not daring to get any closer. Being like that Addor left it be and turned to shove the huge boar's nose out of the ground to see what he was digging at.

It was an ugly mess of clumps that looked something like orange poop and smelled like leather and garlic. Addor had no idea what it was so she left it alone. Instead she turned and headed straight past the shivering adolescent boar and walked up to Fan Rei, who'd been waiting at a distance for her to finish her fight. Fan Rei knew that killing and dying was a part of natural life, but she was still uncomfortable with it. She, like the boar, was left shaken and more than a little bit frightened of Addor now that she'd seen what she could do.

To her, the fight was over within a minute. She'd been there during the fight with the Hou--or magical monkeys--and the second-tier scorpion, but none of what she'd seen at that time had been properly seen. She hadn't yet absorbed what had happened. Now that she'd seen a fight up close she was now forced to face the reality.

Addor was a killer. And from what she could tell, she was good as what she did. When Addor had said she'd killed, I thought it was only out of necessity. But it looked like she was enjoying it... Fan Rei shivered again.

"The- the herbs I found are over there." Fan Rei pointed in the direction that she'd come from.

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