Chapter 37 Part 2 - Meeting Place

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After receiving permission from Laoshi Addor and Fan Rei were given a spot in the next class that was allowed to go outside. The entrance was set to open in two days and it was an half an hour walk from the entrance they'd used the first time.

After the two days were up Addor went to the meeting place she'd been told to go to. Most of the other students were already there, all of them were lazing around and talking with one another. They all seemed to know one another, which left Addor set apart from the rest. But it didn't seem like she minded.

The spot she'd been told to meet at was off from the main city a ways. The city was laid with roads and glass buildings, but the further one went from the center the less developed it was. Pavement turned to cobble stone turned to dirt roads turned to the edges of the mountain that they were inside. Right now, she was sitting up against one of these walls. As the city inside the mountain was situated near the bottom the rocks and dirt had already long been crushed by those on top thus becoming dense like rock. Therefore the dome surrounding and over the top of the city wasn't likely to crumble anytime soon.

Addor was sitting up against one of these walls. The others, about 40 other students, were sitting and talking happily in their circles. After about half an hour of waiting the time to group had long passed and someone finally stood up. The conversations began to die down as all eyes turned to him.

He was a bright young man with long hair. Glancing around at the other students with a hand running through his hair, he sighed. "Well, It doesn't look like the last one is showing up after all so let's head out.

"Alright, so, I'm going to need everyone to take one of these." He held out his hand, that Addor was sure had been empty only moments ago, and held several dozen card-sized objects. He began passing them around. "This is your ticket back in, so make sure you don't lose it! Femk? Here. Hulla, Yot, Grons..." He continued passing them out. He seemed to know everyone there.

"Um... Fan Rei?"

Addor stepped forward to accept it. She looked down at the transparent aqua stone she was given.

"I don't recognize you, are you new? Is this your first time out?"

Addor nodded and he sighed again.

"He doesn't really seem to enjoy his job, does he?"

"Than let me make sure you know all the rules."

It seemed that it was unusual that there was an unknown student and the others began to watch her and take note. A few of them thought she may have been part of the incident the other day, but none of them were sure as it was such a big place that it didn't seem that anyone here had seen what had happened.

A few of them whispered about it. It seem to have developed into some type of abusive love triangle. The story was told by a boy, who seemed to be the only one who knew about 'what really happened'.

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