Chapter 2 Part 1 - Waking Dead

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Fan Rei was the granddaughter of the king's brother; Though this connection made it seem as if nothing could touch her; she had been killed by a mysterious figure at the ripened age of 14, just before the ceremony for her birthday. She'd been pierced in the stomach. Before she'd had time to react the large knife was twisted, and the figure was gone. She'd bled out painfully.

Exactly seven minutes after her last breath was taken the eyes of the corpse shot open.

"Oh, you're awake?" A boy with dark features stood above her. He was smiling.

Addor, whose spirit had just entered the body, looked around with caution. She hadn't gone to sleep on a dirt road, she at least remembered that much. She turned her head to see a sea of trees on either side of her. She certainly didn't remember that in the city, either. After quickly glancing over the landscape her cold gaze turned to the boy.

Both his hair and eyes were black, giving his eyes a strange look to them. His hair was short, straight, and sleek. His bangs curled just around his eyes which made the unusual pair of pupils stand out even more. His skin was healthy in color and hygiene. In fact, it was so clear Addor thought it might not be real. Do boys wear makeup?

Before Addor could determine his danger level the boy was looking at her sheepishly, "Would you mind pulling this free? I can't touch inanimate objects." He shrugged and pointed to a short, curved sword sticking out of her stomach.

Addor didn't feel the pain that should have come with it. Instead, she felt quite numb. Maybe drugs were how she was coping with all of this so easily. She reached up and tugged it free in one motion. She noticed that not much blood spurted as she did so. It was then that she noticed the puddle of blood she was laying in. It was enough for anyone to have bled out and died. Was that all hers?

The boy reached forward to put his hands on Addor's stomach, "You died. Now, you are Fan Rei, daughter of- Whoa!"

Addor rolled out from under the boy and quickly made her way into a defensive stance, sword out in front of her. Her back to the trees to be sure she wouldn't be snuck up on. Normally, she would have taken advantage of her position but she wasn't sure about the damage to her body and would rather spend her time hiding than waste her energy killing.

"I'm not going to hurt you!" the boy laughed, "Or rather, I can't. Here, look..." He backed up to the opposite edge of the dirt road and put his hand directly through a tree. "See? I can't touch, but you shouldn't move or else you are going to lose another life..." He sighed and shook his head than mumbled something about letting someone do something they shouldn't. "Now, will you let me heal you?" He slowly moved closer, his hands up in admission.

The Deceased God's Spirit World Missजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें