Not so accidental

Start from the beginning

"I don't know, Callahan men are the most complex beings I've ever met."

"He should-"

The sound of a phone beeping silenced the ladies.

"What was that?" Mrs Callahan asked.

I jumped when I realised that the noisemaker was in fact my own phone. I took it out of my bag and immediately silenced it without even checking who might be calling me.

"Is someone out there?" Farah asked hurriedly.

I didn't waste any time in risking getting caught. I spun on my heels and bolted down the hall. I made my way back into the room but I didn't stop. I rushed out into the hall. There were still many people having conversations. I stealthily snuck out without anyone noticing. I still didn't stop until I was safely in a closed elevator. I pressed the first floor button and finally let myself relax.

I didn't even want to consider what would happen if I had gotten caught.

Again, my phone beeped.

I fished it out of my bag and looked at Dean's name on the screen.

"You almost got me killed." I snapped upon answering.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

I sucked in a deep breath and realised I was acting crazy. Dean couldn't have possibly known what I was doing.

"Nothing. Never mind." I spoke dismissively.

"Okay then..." Dean spoke unsurely. "Anyway, I have a little mission for you."
He spoke.

"No!" I spoke. "Whatever it is, I'm not doing it. I am done with all this, with the Callahans, with you... I just want to go home."

"And where exactly is your home?" He asked.

I froze not knowing the answer really. "I don't know. But it's not here."

"Listen, I understand that you want to leave. And I promise I'll help you. But you have to trust me when I say that it's not safe for you to go anywhere right now."

The elevator came to a stop and I walked out. "That's just it." I spoke in to my phone. "You have given me absolutely no reason to trust you. I don't care what you say, I am walking out and leaving this life right now."

"Kate." He started slowly. "I need you to turn around and go back into that elevator and follow my instructions. You are not safe."

I froze and looked around. "Are you following me?" I asked in shock and fear as I tried to locate him but I didn't see anyone who even vaguely resembled Dean in the lobby.

"I'm not the only one." He spoke. "You might not trust me but I'm the only one around here with your best interests in mind. So turn around and go back into the elevator."

I felt compelled to listen to him. Especially after what I had overhead Mrs Callahan say.

Dean might be creepy but if I was to decide who I was more afraid of, Mrs Callahan would win any day.

I got back into the elevator and waited for the doors to close.

"How do you know all this?' I asked.

"You'll get your answers soon. I promise. Right now, you have to make your way to the seventh floor. Jason is in the presidential suite."

I sighed. "I told you, Jason broke up with me." The words caused an unexpected ache in my chest.

"Trust me. He needs you." Dean spoke.

I furrowed my brows. "What do you-"

With that, the line went dead.

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