Chapter 76

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Chapter 76: Albus Severus Potter

"Ugh!" I groan as I try to turn around in the bed.

I'm currently 8 and a half months pregnant and it feels worse than when I was pregnant with James. I feel tired all the time, I hardly get any sleep even though I haven't had a lot of nightmares, not like last time.

"You okay?" Harry's croaky voice questions.

"Just tired of being pregnant," I huff in annoyance.

"Just a few more weeks," Harry's voice soothes me.

"I know," I reply, putting my hands on my stomach.

The baby has been kicking a lot and incredibly hard. I have a feeling it's a boy but I'm not sure.

After tossing and turning for maybe half an hour, I decide to give up and get out of bed.

It's half past six now so it isn't too bad. I do hope to get enough sleep before having to give birth but at this rate, I doubt being well rested by that time.

I go into James's room to check on him. He has his hands held high, wanting me to pick him up. Being heavily pregnant is never pleasant but I'm not aloud to carry heavy things, infants included.

I feel bad about it but I go to wake Harry up to get him out of bed for me.


"Yeah?" Harry replies groggily.

"I'm sorry to bother you but could you maybe get James out of bed for me? I can't lift him and I didn't want him to wait there until you woke up," I bite my lip but Harry gets out of bed without hesitation.

"Of course," he smiles and puts on his glasses.

I follow him to James's room and wait for him to lift James out of his cot. We've been thinking of getting James a real bed but we might wait until after the birth of our new baby.

As Harry goes downstairs with James in his arms, I stop and open the door to the baby room.

I smile at the work Harry and I finished with a few months ago. We decided on a starry night on the ceiling and white walls with some sweet decorations on them. I'm quite proud of our work and the fun we had that day still brings a smile to my face.

"Ginny? Do you want tea?" Harry calls from downstairs.

"Yes please," I call back and then waddle out of the room.

When I arrive downstairs, I already feel exhausted and the only thing I've done is walk down the stairs.

Luckily there's already a nice cup of tea, along with breakfast, on the table waiting for me.

I smile thankfully at my husband and then take a seat.

Teddy's sitting opposite me, politely using his knife and fork but I smile when I see my two and a half year old sitting next to me with his whole face, hands and clothes fully covered in food.

"You're a messy boy, aren't you," I tickle him under his chin which ends with me having a dirty shirt too.

"Thank you, James. As much as I appreciate your kindness, I don't necessarily feel the need to share your food," I say sarcastically. Harry smirks but James pushes another round of food in my hand.

"James, no," I say sternly and he stops, looking at me with wide eyes. I shake my head and he retracts his hand.

"Thank you," I add and James smiles.

We finish breakfast and get dressed just in time before the bell rings.

I waddle to the door and open it to see the newly weds on the doorstep.

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