Chapter 73

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Chapter 73: Christmas (preparations) in the Potter household

Celebrating Christmas has always been fun, but this time Ginny and I came up with the idea to celebrate it at our home, instead of at the Burrow.

Molly and Arthur were more than happy when we brought up the idea. Of course, Molly wants to help prepare the food and help with other things she usually has to do.

Ginny and I decided yesterday to get a tree today and put the house in Christmas mode.

Teddy has been looking forward to helping us since the beginning of November but it's the fifth of December now and we thought that it's time to get out the Christmas stuff now. Teddy did start singing Christmas songs a long time ago so all those songs have been stuck in our head since June.

"Teddy? Do you want to come along to find a tree?" I ask my godson as I open the door to the playroom.

"Can I?" he looks up from his drawing.

"That's why I asked you," I wink and he stands up quickly, almost tripping over a stray toy on the floor.

We quickly get on our warm clothes, say goodbye to Ginny and James and get in the car.

I start the engine and look in my rear mirror to see Teddy looking really excited.

"Have you thought about how big you want the tree to be?" I ask him.

"Veeeeery big!" Teddy exclaims, stretching his arms and holding them against the car ceiling.

"And how big is very big?"

"Bigger than Hagrid!" Teddy smiles, looking cute while missing his front tooth.

I grin at his enthusiasm and within ten minutes, we arrive at the place where we get our tree since we came to live in Potter Manor.

Teddy unbuckles his seatbelt but has to wait for me to open his door, due to child lock.

When I do, he jumps out of the car but this time he does really trip and lands face forward into the snow.

"Are you alright?" I ask him, trying to hide my smile while helping him up.

I'm glad to see him smiling too but he seems to have lost another tooth.

"I lost my other front tooth!" Teddy exclaims and finds the slightly bloody tooth in the snow.

I grin and try to find something to make the bleeding stop. Before I can do anything, Teddy has put some snow in the gap between his other teeth.

"That's also an option but you know I can just do a spell to save your mouth from freezing," I ruffle his hair fondly.

He spits out the snow and looks at me, shivering slightly.

Before getting out my wand, I look around to check if no one is watching.

When the coast is clear, I do the spell and Teddy thanks me with a hug.

"It's nothing! Let's go inside before all the good trees are gone," I say and Teddy lets go of me, running towards the entrance.

Two hours later, we both arrive home again, tired and cold from walking around in the cold while looking for a suitable tree.

"Are you going to help me decorate the house or shall I do it by myself?" Ginny asks with James on her hip.

Teddy jumps up but I stay laying down on the sofa.

"I think I'll pass this time," I smile tiredly.

"Fine, but then you get to look after James," Ginny says while dumping the almost fifteen month old child on my chest.

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