Chapter 36

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Hi again! I'm sorry for not updating but guess who's birthday it is today?! Minee😌🎉🎉
Let's get on with the chapter...

Chapter 36: Visiting Luna

Molly gave Erin and Teddy their Potion on time yesterday and Erin slept in their spare shed with the excuse that she went to her Aunt to wish her a quick and late Merry Christmas and that she would sleep there.

I was just awoken by Ginny two minutes ago and I'm trying to wake up.

"Harryyy!" Ginny calls from the hall.

"Ginny, shut up!" she receives from George. I secretly laugh but I get out of bed anyway.

"I'm coming!" I call back.

"You too Harry!" George adds. This time I hear Ginny laughing.

I walk downstairs when Ginny and I both find each other grinning about George. Molly sets a plate before me with some eggs, bacon and some other things. I guess I'm healthier now according to her because I don't get as many as I used to and she doesn't give me second rounds unless I ask for it.

"Have fun and remember to be back by twelve!" Molly tells us.

"Yes, 'ave fun and tell Luna I zaid hi!" Fleur says, smiling.

"Thank you both," Ginny and I say at the same time.

I quickly finish breakfast and I then go to the hall. I quickly take my cloak and go upstairs, to put the phial in a safe and secret place. Ron doesn't even stir as I enter the room, he just carries on snoring.

I hurry downstairs again and nearly bump into Ginny, who is in the hall, putting on her own cloak.

"Ginny, I was thinking, maybe we can walk a bit of the way to Luna," I tell Ginny my idea.

"Yeah! I could use some fresh air!" Ginny says excitedly.

We say goodbye to Molly and Fleur and then we leave. We step out into the snow and I inhale the smell of winter, of snow and of Ginny's flowery scent.

"So, you excited?" I ask her.

"Quite! I mean, I haven't seen her since you know, the memorial service. I hope she's okay and I also hope she's home!" Ginny says, laughing at the last part.

Just as I'm enjoying the beautiful snowy hills, I hear something, or shall I say someone, fall next to me. I look down and see Ginny laying face down in the cold snow. I can't help it but I burst into laughter.

"Mot unny," Ginny mumbles with some snow in her mouth.

I help her up again and say, "I'm sorry Gin but it did look hilarious!"

She gives me the Weasley glare but then laughs too. I brush the last bit of snow from her hair and face and then I give her a warm hug.

"So, nice and warm again?" I ask her a little teasingly.

Ginny just sticks out her tongue at me and then continues walking quickly. I easily catch up with her and then put my arm around her. We don't talk much but I don't really have the need to talk. It's fine because it isn't an uncomfortable silence.

After a while, I'm starting to get really cold and so does Ginny.

"Why don't we Apparate the last bit?" I ask her hopefully.

"G-good i-id-idea," Ginny stutters from the cold.

She grabs my arm and after an uncomfortable squeezed moment, we arrive in front of the house where Hermione, Ron and I found ourselves exactly a year ago, when I found myself looking in the direction of The Burrow and thinking of Ginny and her family.

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