Chapter 67

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Chapter 67: Telling Teddy the truth

Teddy looks really happy when he's finished unwrapping his gift. Ginny and I had been debating what to get for him but we eventually decided on a few games, which would require one of us to play with him, and a few books for us to read together.

"Before we let everyone in, can you please get Ron and Hermione?" Ginny asks me as I hand her James back.

"Of course. I'm proud of you," I tell her, placing a kiss on her head.

"Thank you," Ginny smiles tiredly.

I think that as soon as everyone's gone she'll go to sleep. Of course, I'm tired too but I can't complain as I haven't had to push a baby out of me.

"Ron and Hermione, can you please come for a moment," I ask as soon as I arrive in the corridor again.

My two best friends since first year stand up, looking curious, and follow me to the room.

"Is this the little guy?" Ron asks, looking at the sleeping boy in Ginny's arms.

"Yes, this is James," I smile proudly.

"Well, we um- we got him a little something when 'Mione and I went to London the other day," Ron says, awkwardly giving us a little wrapped gift.

"We got Teddy something as well," Hermione says quickly, handing a smiling Teddy his gift.

I take the gift from Ron and open it, revealing a small blue bunny.

"Thank you," Ginny and I say, smiling.

"Thank you," Teddy says after opening his gift.

"Hermione, we would like you to be James's godmother, if you would like to," Ginny tells her.

"I'd be delighted," Hermione beams.

"And Ron, would you like to be the other godfather?" I ask him, looking hopeful.

"It would be a pleasure," Ron smiles, looking proud.

"Other godfather?" Hermione looks confused but curious at the same time.

"Harry and I have decided that James will have two godfathers. Ron and Remus as Harry was the godfather of Remus's first and only child," Ginny explains, saving me from explaining.

"That's beautiful!" Hermione compliments.

"How are you now?" Ron asks his sister.

"Tired and sore but I'll live and it was also definitely worth the pain," Ginny replies tiredly, closing her eyes for longer than normal.

"May I hold my godson?" Hermione asks shyly.

"You may," Ginny smiles as she hands our son to her.

"Can't I?" Ron looks a little offended.

"You can after Hermione but I'd rather the others don't. I think it will be too much for James as Harry, Teddy and I have already held him and I don't really want to much people to touch him," Ginny replies.

"I understand," Hermione breathes as she carefully holds James in her arms.

After a few minutes, she hands him to Ron. James starts crying almost immediately and Ron looks terrified.

"I didn't do anything!" he exclaims.

"It's fine, he's probably just hungry again," Ginny says calmly, taking James from her brother's arms.

Ginny doesn't look ashamed to feed him as she pulls down her gown and lets James latch.

Ron looks away, suddenly being the polite one, before Ginny says," You can look Ron, breastfeeding is a beautiful thing and it shouldn't be made something to be ashamed of."

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