Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Quidditch trials

I say goodbye and make my way back to the Common Room.

When I arrive, I see Ginny, standing in the middle of the Common Room, in tears.

"Gin? What's the matter?" I ask carefully.

"Well, first I had a really bad nightmare and then I awoke from Teddy crying. I went to your dorm but you and Teddy had both gone. I was really worried, Harry!" Ginny cries.

I go to her and give her a hug with my free arm.

"Don't worry Gin, we're here again," I say comfortingly.

"Where were you actually?" Ginny asks.

"Well, as you heard, Teddy was crying a lot and I first tried to change his nappy but that wasn't the problem. I then made him a bottle but he refused to drink so I decided to take him for a walk, hoping that that would help. It did because Teddy calmed down. I carried on walking and talking to him until someone saw me, and came towards me," I start.

"Oh! Not McGonagall of Filch?" Ginny asks worriedly.

"No, don't worry, those people were ghosts, it was Remus and Tonks. I talked a little bit with them and Tonks was first quite surprised that Teddy didn't recognise them but Remus explained that Teddy would probably see us as his parents. I told them that I didn't want Teddy to because I don't want to replace Remus or Tonks. I truly love Teddy but when he's older, he deserves to know the truth about his parents and that I'm his godfather and guardian not his father," I continue.

Ginny nods, to say that she understands.

Ginny yawns so I send her back to bed again. I also go upstairs with Teddy.

When I try to put him in his cot he starts whimpering again so I lay him next to me in my bed. He clutches my finger and cuddles up. It's so cute.

I lay awake because I can't sleep. After ten minutes, someone knocks on the door. I whisper a spell so the door opens.

Ginny is standing in the doorway, looking tired but she also has tears in her eyes.

"Ginny?" I whisper.

"Harry!" Ginny whispers back.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"I can't sleep anymore, I keep thinking about the nightmare," Ginny cries.

"Well, welcome to the club. I can't sleep either," I say.

Ginny laughs and then shivers.

"Come here," I say, making room in my bed.

She comes and crawls under the duvet. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she lays her head on my chest.

"I love you Harry," she says.

"I love you even more," I whisper back, planting a kiss on her head.

After a while Ginny's breathing slows down and I'm assuming she's asleep. That means I can try and sleep now too. I just wanted to stay awake until Ginny falls asleep.

I fall asleep quicker that I thought.

Ginny's POV:

I wake up to see a confused and furious looking Ron.

"Ron? What's the matter?" I ask.

"What are you doing in the boys' dorm, in Harry's bed?" Ron exclaims.

"Ron, calm down! It's a long story!" I say, quickly.

Harry now also wakes up.

"Ron? What's the matter?" He asks, just like I did.

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