Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The funeral

On the day of the funeral, Mrs Weasley hurries us all and sends a Patronus to Ron. She doesn't know if he will come too.

I help Mrs Weasley the whole morning. I comfort George and Ginny. It isn't exactly a normal morning.

When Mrs Weasley has finally decided she's wearing the appropriate clothes, attempted to get my hair to lie flat on my head (no achievement), trying to keep Teddy calm and trying to get everyone to eat something, we finally Floo to Hogwarts. We're quite early, only Neville, his Grandmother, Dennis Creevy (and his family) and Luna are there. McGonagall is there to welcome us and show us where to go outside and sit on the chairs and wait.

Mrs Weasley is going mad because Ron and Hermione just won't come. I see loads of people with tears in their eyes. I have them too. I'm just feeling so bad and mad.

I'm surprised when I see Draco Malfoy walking into the school. I tell Mrs Weasley and Ginny that I'm going to the toilet but I actually want to speak to Malfoy. More people arrive and look very confused, seeing me walk into the school. I follow Malfoy and decided to call him, once we're in a deserted corridor.


Draco spins around to see me looking at him. Draco immediately takes out his wand and points it at me.

"Malf-- I mean Draco, I don't want to do you any harm. I just wanted to say something to you," I explain, ignoring the wand.

"Um well okay," Draco stutters, looking surprised that I'm calling him by his first name.

"I just wanted to say thank you! You saved our lives more than once last year. You knew it was me in Malfoy Manor, you didn't say anything, you chose not to hand me over to Voldemort, you let me get away. And in the Room of Requirement, with Crabbe and Goyle. They kept shooting spells at us, they wanted to kill me but you came up for me, you said Voldemort wanted me alive and that he wouldn't thank them. So thank you very much! I owe you. But what are you actually doing here, if I may ask?" I thank, saying everything that's been on my mind for quite a while.

"Well, you don't owe me anything because you saved my life twice too. You helped me out of the Room. You hated me but you chose to risk your life for me. Weasley and Granger weren't happy, they didn't want you to but you ignored your best friends to help me. And yes you may ask but promise not to tell anyone," Draco whispers. I can just see him blinking away a tear.

"I promise!" I say, desperate to know why Draco is there.

"Well, I, I feel responsible of the death of Weasley, Lupin and all those people who wanted to make the world a better place. That blue-haired boy lost his parents, you lost a friend. If I had done more to protect people from that git, there wouldn't have been this amount of deaths," Draco cries, "Why did I even tell you this?"

"Because I know how you feel and you have no right to feel guilty. Those people fought for me and for a better world. They died so I could defeat Voldemort once and for all. If you hadn't saved me, I couldn't have defeated Voldemort,"
I say.

"I just feel so bad for joining the Death Eaters. I actually wanted to become a Healer at St. Mungo's but I don't think they will want me anymore," Draco sniffs, surprising me.

"Draco, were you planning to go back to Hogwarts this year?" I ask.

"I wanted to but I don't think it will help, I ruined my chances!"

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