Proud~ 79

233 13 4

Stiles' POV:
Melissa came in and told me that Scott and the others were going to be here soon, so I started to get ready. And by that, I just mean I started to wake up. I was getting tired, so I found some ways to wake back up, because I wasn't going to miss a visit from them. My Dad left about half an hour again, only because I told him to.

He's been here for nearly two days and hasn't had anything proper to eat and hasn't had much sleep, so I told him to go home. At first he wasn't going to, he said he could last unitl I got out, but I kept telling him to and then he finally agreed. I could tell by the look in his eye, that he didn't want to, but he didn't want to disagree with me.

He agree after about five minutes og arguing, but promised he would be back in the morning. I trusted that he would be, but I'm worried that he won't sleep. That he'll be be worried about me and won't sleep, but then come back in the morning and sleep in the chair.

"Hello, Mr. Stilinski." I heard an unfamiliar voice at the door. "I can see that you're recovering quickly, and you'll most likely be out of here by Friday." The nurse told me, making me smile from joy.

It was currently Wednesday, so I only had two more days to go. I looked at the nurse, about to thank her, but then I couldn't speak at all. It was like I had lost my voice, even though it was still there. I tried all my best to yell or scream, but nothing came out. I just lied there, looking like a pathetic, worthless, vulnerable, human. I was no match for the person who was standing in front of me.

"I know, pretty cool isn't it. I dress up as a nurse and I can walk straight pass the deputy your father left out the front." She laughed, pulling something out of her pocket. "Now look, I have nothing against you and you seem like a very nice person, but you're the only one m daughter cares about. So, in order to hurt her and get her mad, is to hurt you."

I took a deep breath in and out, trying to find my voice again. Trying to find it, so I could talk back or yell out for help. I tried to lift up my hand, so I could press my buzzer, but I couldn't lift it. I felt like I was paralysed, even though I wasn't. I was just scared, and petrified about the needle she had in her hand. It was full with a clear liquid, and then I remembered last time she injected me with something.

She made me void again, only this time I don't think she wants Void Stiles back. I think she wants to get Malia angry, so when it's the full moon, she'll be out of control and won't be able to concentrate on what she's doing. And I know the only she'll be able to get Malia really mad is, if she kills me.

"What's the matter Stiles? Are you scared? Hoping your friends will come and save you? Hoping Malia will come and visit you?" She laughed, walking closer to me. "Has she told yet? Has she told you about her new boyfriend?" She whispered the new, smiling even more.

"No." I finally spoke, my voice coming out shakily from anger.

"And he finally speaks." She raised her hands, walking over to my bed. "To bad, they might be your final words."

"Go to hell. They're going to my final words." I told her, clenching my jaw and waiting for her to inject the needle into me.

She looked at me and I watched as her eyes flashed blue. She was getting angry and if I could get her angry enough, I could ring my buzzer, without her noticing. Or I could keep her distracted, until Scott and the others got here.

"Looks like someone still has trouble controlling her shifts. You got anger issues or something?" I asked her, smiling as she stated to quietly growl. "Or maybe it's because you lost most of your powers. I mean, you got out smarted by a couple of teenagers. I don't know about you, but I would be pretty embarrassed." I laughed, watching as she dug her claws into her hand.

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