Planning~ 34

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I drove back to mine and we waited for news. News about Malia, about the dead girl in the woods, news about who took Malia, news about anything.

As soon as we got here, we all just sat in dead silence. No one spoke, we didn't even make eye contact.

"This is good news." Scott whispered, breaking the silence. "It means she's still out there, right?"

"Or she's dead somewhere else." I spoke and stared at the ground. I know they're trying to make me feel better, but it's just a possibility that she's alive.

There's also a possibility that she's still alive, but I can't get my hopes up. If she's still alive, we're going to find her.

"Don't think like that, Stiles." I heard Kira whisper. "She's still alive, okay? She's strong and brave. She wouldn't give up that easily and we all know that." I lifted my head and looked at Kira's soft smile. I smiled back and looked at Scott.

"You're right." I stood up and walked over to Scott. "She's still out there and we need to find her, so what do we do best?" I asked my best friend.

Scott stared at me blankly, trying to think of something. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"Are yo- are you serious? You can't even think of one thing?" I laughed and walked away.

I heard Kira and Scott walking behind me. They were whispering something, but I couldn't hear them. I wanted to turn around and listen, but I didn't want to be nosey.

"We plan things out!" I yelled, walking over to my chalk board. "We can make a plan on how to find her. Because I know she's still alive." I smiled and grabbed a whiteboard marker.

Scott's soft smile, turned into a massive grin. He walked over to me and picked up the pieces of string. I think we both knew what colour we would mainly need. The red one.

"Let's do this." I heard someone say, as they entered my room. I turned around and say Lydia with a wide smile on her face and some people behind her.

Once everyone was in my small room, I realised I didn't have such a small room.

Liam, Mason, Hayden, Lydia and Parrish all came here to help.

"So, what are we doing first?" Liam asked, looking at his alpha.

"We haven't planed that yet." Scott sighed and looked at me. "We need to get thinking." He smiled and looked at the board.

It was still empty, because we didn't know where to start. We didn't even know if she was still in Beacon hills. She could be anywhere for all we know.

"What happens if she's not in Beacon hills? Or what if she's in an obvious place. So obvious, that we haven't even looked." I turned to the board and started writing all my thoughts down.

I started writing down all the places in Beacon hills. All the obvious places first, then all the airports near by.

"Stiles." I heard someone speak, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Stiles." I heard them say again.

"Yep." I said, popping the p.

"She's still here." Lydia whispered, her eyes wide opened. "She's still in Beacon hills, and I think I know where."

"How do you know?" Liam asked her, everyone now concentrated on her.

"Lydia, did you see something? Hear something?" Parrish asked her, placing a hand around her shoulder.

I felt a little bit of jealousy rush through my body, but I shook it off. I know had Malia and Lydia and I, we're only friends and I like this way. We both get out happiness and it worked out.

"It was when I screamed." She bite her bottom lip and her eyes started to water. "When Allison died, those tunnels when I screamed her name. That's what I heard." She blinked, letting a single tear drop down. "That's where Malia is, or where she was."

Sorry about being inactive, but if been so freaking busy! I'm going to try and be more active, but I'm not promising anything.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm going to try and write longer chapters.

Always you ~ StaliaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum