Ron smiles weakly and looks towards her. Hermione smiles adoringly at her sister-in-law and nephew.

"I can't wait to take him on his first broomstick ride some day," I say, picturing myself on a broomstick with my son.

"Don't you dare think about taking him yet," Ginny glares at me.

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on taking him yet," I say, throwing my hands in the air.

"You'd better not Potter," Ginny still doesn't look fully assured.

"I promise I won't," I assure her to which her glare softens and turns into a smile.


After spending a full day and night in St. Mungo's, everyone having a look at the baby and so, the Healers decide that James is healthy and that Ginny is good to go too.

I put James in the carrier we took along while Ginny changes into her normal clothes.

Teddy had helped me get James dressed after I changed his nappy and it definitely made James happier (and easier to put in the carrier as he wasn't squirming anymore).

As Ginny is still quite sore, she gets a wheelchair to get to the car. She has to start walking more at home but as it's the day after giving birth to a child, they let her.

Ginny has James's carrier (with him in it of course) on her lap while Teddy helps me push her.

After helping her in the backseat between James and Teddy, I bring the wheelchair back.

They greet me and wish me luck but also a nice time. I say goodbye and leave for the car again.

"So, are we all ready to go?" I ask the three people on the backseat.

"Yes yes yes!" Teddy exclaims happily.

"Sure," Ginny replies tiredly.

I hadn't been expecting a reply from James so I start the engine and leave.

When we arrive home, Teddy jumps out of the car but I stay to help Ginny.

"Teddy?" Ginny asks before the boy comes back again.

"Yes?" Teddy asks, calming down a little bit.

"Can you carefully take James inside?" Ginny asks, handing him the carrier.

"Of course!" Teddy smiles, takes the carrier and very carefully walks to the open door.

I help Ginny stand up and she leans on me as we walk to the door. Kreacher smiles and closes the door behind us.

"Kreacher sees that Masters and Mistress brought the little Master back. May Kreacher ask what little Master's name is?" Kreacher says, bowing low and helping us take off our cloaks.

"His name is James," I reply proudly, not saying Sirius as Kreacher didn't like Sirius at all.

"Welcome home Master James," Kreacher bows again.


We wake up to James crying. Ginny sighs and makes her way to stand up.

"Don't worry, I'll get him," I tell her, knowing she's still sore, even after a few days.

"If he's hungry, you'll have to bring him here or feed him by bottle," Ginny says, sitting up.

"Don't worry love," I smile and stand up.

I walk to James's room and take him out of the crib. He's bright red in the face and he has tear stains all over his face.

"It's alright, I'm here," I say and decide to change his nappy before taking him to Ginny.

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