Chapter 79

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Guilherme: "We would still be on the third step up if you were walking."

I rolled my eyes.

Gui helped me into the bathroom. I opened the zipper of my shorts and started to pull them down, he kept looking at me.

Guilherme: "What?"

Manuela: "You're suppose to help me not stare me down."

Guilherme: "I can do both."

Manuela: "HAHA. No. Come on, really help me. Pull off my shorts off of my hurt foot. " He nodded and did what I asked him. He also wrapped my cast in a plastic bag so it wouldn't get wet. -"Now, I'm going to get naked here so bye.."

Guilherme: "Why can't I stay?" He made a pout with his lips and I laughed.- "I'm just kidding. I'm going out to my room, if you need anything just call me over.. or scream. Which ever is more useful."

Manuela: "Okay, Gui." I showered.

After showering, and struggling in pain to put on my panties, I called Guilherme and he helped me with my pants.

Guilherme: "Need anything else?"

Manuela: "No, I just called you in here to stare at your beautiful face.l"

He smirked.
Guilherme: "I wouldn't doubt it."

I rolled my eyes.
Manuela: "But I do want to do something.

Guilherme: "what ?"

Manuela: "I want to go see my mom. At my old house. But only to look from afar. Will you come with me?"

Guilherme: "Of course. Are you ready?"

Manuela: "yeah."

Guilherme: "So lets go." I wrapped my arm around his neck and he helped me down the stairs. Then slowly from our street we walked to a More public street and hailed a taxi. It took us about half an hour to get to my old house. I walked towards it and stopped across the street.

The living room lights were on but there weren't any movements. I soon saw my dad getting out of a car and walking into the house. I could see my dad now inside the kitchen. It made my heart race.

My mom appeared at the kitchen window. Oh, my mom. Just as I remembered. Still so beautiful. Even though I could see, even from a distance, bruises on her face and body.

Guilherme and I were hiding behind a tree from across the street. My father went into the kitchen and saw my mom cooking.

I could kind of hear muffled yelling and arguing, but couldn't understand anything they said.

He took her by the hair and pushed her on the floor. My heart almost jumped out of my body. I started crying. Guilherme turned me to face him.

He hugged me and covered my face so I wouldn't see inside the house.

Guilherme: "Hey, hey. Let's get out of here."- I tried to respond to Gui, I tried to move but I couldn't. All I was able to do was cry. It hurt me so much to see my mom there. Guilherme kissed my forehead.-"Come on Manu. Don't cry, I don't want to see you like this. Let's go."

Manuela: "N-no. I can't. I need this monster to leave the house, I want to talk with my mom. Please."

Guilherme: "Okay fine." But let's duck down and out of the window view. We don't want your father to see you here."

Manuela: "Okaay" I said between sobs and tears. We sat behind a tree and waited for father to leave. If he was ever going to. I hope he will.

It took minutes, but he finally left.

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