Chapter 74 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Start from the beginning

"See it wasn't that bad. He's here to protect you," Shawn told me as we got in the car.

"Last time I talked to a detective it was because Kade hurt me and I was in the hospital. I told them someone attacked me in the park and I tried fighting them off. I lied to protect him because I was scared. If I would of told the truth he would of long gone." I said taking a deep breathe. I don't want to remember anything to do with him. I just want it all to be gone, and out of my life.

"Okay we are going to go out tonight for dinner, and we are going to have fun. After that, I am going to run you a nice candle light bath, and you are going to enjoy it."

I gave him a smile, and rested my hand on his, and gave it a nice squeeze. "I love you to death," I smiled.


I took a seat in between Anna and Shawn, and grabbed the menu. We were at a Bar and Grill type of restaurant. We didn't want anything to fancy since you know it's us, and that wouldn't work out.

I grabbed the menu, and looked around. "What are you ordering?" I asked Shawn looking at the page his menu was on.

"I think I am going to get just a steak. They supposedly have some of the best steak," Shawn told me.

I nodded my head, and looked at the menu again trying to figure out what I wanted. Pasta sounds good, it always sounds good, but maybe I want a cheeseburger. I think I am going with pasta.

"I'm going with their four cheese macaroni. It's a couple steps up from Kraft," I laughed closing the menu.

"Hi I am Jess, and I will be your waitress tonight. If you are ready to order both beverages and your meals we can do that? Is that okay?" Our waitress asked.

"Yeah that's perfect," Cam said answering.

I told Shawn my order, so he can tell her for me. I like to make him order for me because it's cute when he tells her my order then looks at me reassuring. She did pretty good getting through everyone very quickly especially since we are a big group of rambunctious, loud, annoying, young adults. I always feel sorry for the people that get stuck waiting on us.

"Thanks babe," I smiled grabbing his hand, and pulling it towards me to rest on my lap. I leaned my head on Shawn's shoulder, and just watched as everyone socialized.

Everyone was in a good mood, and that's what I love to see. I love to see the people closes to me so happy with their life; it's what I look forward to. I think they all deserve to be happy; everyone deserves happiness.

These are the people I want to be in my life forever. Always by my side making me laugh till I cry. I want to be there for them whenever they need support, and I want to put them before myself.

I watched as Taylor took his straw and blew a spit ball right at Carter's face. Carter as an instinct flew back in his seat falling to the ground.

And I'm the other side of the table I watched as Sammy dump salt into Johnson's water right before Cameron mistakenly took a drink.

These goofs are my family that will take care of me, and I will take care of them. "So how's the album coming along?" Sammy asked.

"Great, I am really proud of the songs, and I am putting so much into them. Literally my blood, sweat, and tears," I responded.

I have never worked so hard in my life. Even when I was in High School trying to graduate early; that was all easy compared to this album and it's deadline.

"Well I'm excited because Good For You is so fucking good!" Dillon said.

I laughed and then saw in the corner of my eyes the waitress held a big tray with plates of food on it. Other waiters followed behind with the remaining plates of edible beauty.

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