# 47 Is Neethu getting married? #

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Neethu! Nothing will happen until you are with me. Don't worry" He pleaded

"Don't say like that Rithick. Even if I am not there, nothing will happen to you" she said worriedly.

"Ok Neethu. Why didn't you inform me about vacation to home?" He asked.

"I didn't even expected Rithick. My parents asked me to come immediately. I thought to inform you from home but phone call didn't reached" said her.

"Any problem there at home?" asked Rithick worriedly.

"No Rithick! Only Good news" she said
"What good news?" He asked back.

"My marriage is fixed" she said.

"Whaaaat?....." he stopped as like thousands arrows strikes him a second.

"Rithickkk! What happened?" She asked.

He hanged the phone.

Rithick's POV

I can't control myself. I can't accept Neethu's marriage. I started crying like a child. What is wrong with me? Why I didn't propose her? What shall I do next? How can I live without her? Did she had no feelings for me? I saw her love and care in her eyes but how could it be fake? She thinks me just as friend but I am fool and idiot as she said. I cried a lot. As I never used to cry for girls, I cried for her. She made me to cry. I cried silently as my pillow became wet. I am strong person but this girl shook me in a second and made me weak.

She was calling me in phone again and again but I didn't attend her call. She was fake like others. She was not my angel.

I cursed myself for scolding her like that. I believed her eyes, it has love for me. It will never cheat me. Hopefully! I attended her call after an hour.


She called him again but he didn't attended. After an hour later, Rithick attended the call.

"I am sorry Rithick" she cried

"Why? Don't cry Neethu. Anyways my heartily wishes" he said in low tone.

"Simply, I said to make you fool. Today is April 1. Don't you know that?" she said slowly.

Rithick was released a bit and he was back with his cute smile in his lips "Oh!"

You naughty girl! How cruel and rude you are! I will kill you girl. You made to cry. I realised how much I love you. I never ever give you to anyone. Even if you are ready to marry other than me I will kidnap you. Be careful Neethu-----Mindvoice

"Are you happy now?" She asked pleading.

"For what?" He asked kidding., Yayyy! He jumped and expressed lots of body language

"Nothing Rithick" she said to stop the topic. "Have you studied for tomorrow's exam?" She asked.

"Not yet" he replied simply

"Oh my God! I will help you ask me if you have any doubts" she said.

He laughed.

"Why Rithick? I was tensed because of you but you are laughing" she said worriedly.

"I and Rahul didn't have any single paper of notes" he said in cool voice.

"Okay! Come here I will give you my written notes" she said. After few conversations later, they hanged the call.

Neethu helped them by giving her notes. She tried to help them the best in studies. Rithick and Rahul studied together. Rithick studied well as it was Neethu's notes.

Exam day came,

As the questions were expected, students were happy about it. Rithick and Rahul had a hope that they will clear the exams. Similarly, they wrote all the exams a bit well because of Neethu.


After a month, the expected results came. Everyone passed the examination with good grades. Neethu ranked first in the class. Followed by her, Shantra Ranked next. Everyone started praising Neethu. Rithick and Rahul felt very much happy for her. Neethu jumped in happiness, not for her but for Rithick and Rahul who passed in examinations.

 Neethu jumped in happiness, not for her but for Rithick and Rahul who passed in examinations

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Shantra's POV

I couldn't tolerate my failure. Already I was damn angry at Neethu, she was crossing my line. I mean Rithick. This Rithick was also praising her in front of me, I was ready to kill him if he continued the same. I will show you the hell. Wait Neethu and Rithick! My entry didn't have great impact these many days for them but now the real game is going to start. She laughed devilishly.


Hi friends!

Exams, results etc in single chapter Right? How is the chapter?

What do you think when Neethu said that she was fixed? Like Rithick did anyone get upset (lol)

What is Shantra's plan? Did she really shows the world of hell to them?

Stay tuned friends....

Friends, I wish to update soon. Due to my busy schedule, I may late for one or two days. Kindly cooperate with me and give your support...Please bare with my errors..

Thanks a lot friends...

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