"We sure will," I agree.

Once we've shown our tickets to the flight attendants, one of them points us to our seats.

We thank her and sit down after putting our bags in the luggage space above.

I take the seat next to the window with Ginny beside me. We both buckle up and Ginny immediately lays her head on my shoulder.

By the time the plane starts moving, Ginny's already fast asleep.

I decide to wait for the aeroplane to take off so I listen to the safety instructions. It's not really interesting but I listen anyway.

When we're finally in the air, I, too, close my eyes and fall asleep quite quickly.

I get woken up by Ginny, who is looking through the window. The sun is already starting to rise, which I don't understand because it's half past five according to my watch.

"We're in a different time zone, it's already half six," Ginny says, as if she just read my mind.

"Thank you," I reply while adjusting my watch.

"You're welcome," Ginny smiles, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning everyone, it is currently six thirty-four local time. Please fasten your seatbelt as we will be landing in a few minutes, thank you," a voice says from the speakers above.

"This is the same thing as in the bus?!" Ginny exclaims, looking exited.

"Yes, it is," I smile as, I think, the same message but in a different language booms above.

"I'm so excited!" Ginny smiles, watching as we're losing height.

"You're not the only one," I reply, looking at the cloudless sky.

When the plane starts losing height real fast, Ginny looks at me with wide eyes.

"It's fine, planes are supposed to do this," I say, reassuring her.

Just after the plane touches the ground, Ginny really jumps and clings onto my hand very tightly.

When the plane has finally stopped moving, we wait for the doors to open. While I wait in the queue, Ginny gets the small suitcase from the space above  and hands it over to me.

After about ten minutes, it's finally our turn to leave the plane and as we do so, we thank the flight attendant kindly and walk down the steps to the baggage hall.

Unfortunately, we have to wait a little while for our bigger suitcase to arrive. Ginny had insisted on taking a bigger one too. I understood her reasoning but it doesn't take away that it's harder to transport.

When it finally arrives, I take it from the belt and we leave for the exit.

With nothing else to declare, we walk into the sunny weather and try to find a taxi. It isn't that hard because it's still quite early and our flight wasn't that busy either. It takes us two minutes to find a taxi driver and to get the luggage in the boot.

I tell the driver the address of our first hotel and she smiles friendly, putting the address in a kind of navigation system which I've seen in Uncle Vernon's car once. The only problem was, was that Dudley had hated the voice which led to Uncle Vernon chucking it out of the car.

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