Chapter 72 Two Hospital Patients

Start from the beginning

"You take care of your dad he is going to need lots of company and love while you guys wait. I will be back when Addy gets out and is in recovery one. I'll bring you guys back some stuff to help you all get comfortable," I smiled. I gave Addy and Jason a hug before walking towards Matt who started walking back into the room.

"I am going to stay here with them if you don't mind. Just take my car, and get home, but make sure you lock the doors. I don't know if anyone is home," Matt told me. I nodded my head, and gave him a hug. He handed me his keys. I grabbed them, and started making my way towards outside.

I had the keys in my hand, and made it the car fast as I looked all around my settings. I felt so paranoid being by myself. especially since there is no one else in the parking lot. I hurried up and got into the car panting as my heart raced and my hands sweat. I quickly locked the doors, and took a deep breath.

I felt my self sobbing as I felt so scared. I only left a building and I already feel like I am in danger. I just feel like Kade is watching my every move. Like he is around the corner watching me from afar planning something devious.

I hurried up, and left the parking lot wanting to get on the busy streets filled with witnesses. I kept checking my mirrors making sure no car was following me.

I finally pulled into the driveway, but before I could leave I checked next door to see if anyone was home. Which thankfully it looked like Jack, Johnson, and Kian were home. So if I scream they will see me. On all three of our front lawn there were signs up showing everyone the houses were available. It looked like when I was in Canada they got a realtor.

I got out, and grabbed all my bags trying to make it a one trip kind of thing. I trudged my overly whelmed, exhausted, and saddened body into the house. It all looked the same, but more clean as if Nash had cleaned it.

"Hello?" I asked walking slowly looking around if anyone was home. No one called out, so I decided to put my bags upstairs. I wasn't in the mood to unpack.

I feel so emotional and vulnerable which is personally the best time to write music. All of your emotions are out in the open making it easy to let the words pour out. On the way over here I wrote some heart filled lyrics in my journal. Some lyrics that I am in love with since I feel like so many people car relate to them.

I sat down on the bench for the piano near the window that out looked the backyard view. The sun was shining brightly through the windows, and the sun beams were hitting me making me feel warm.

I closed my eyes, and started messing around with the keys to make a melody. I hummed getting down the feel, and started singing the lyrics I had written down.

"So cold alone, could you be my blanket? Surround me alone when my heart feels naked." I stopped singing, and looked back the lyrics wanting to change the last line a little bit. When the answers escaped my mind. "Surround my bones when my heart feels naked." I paused and looked at the keys. "C major would sound better." I tried them all together, and I was right.

"No strength, too weak, I could use some saving, and you're love's so strong.." I took a deep breath and stopped close to losing my shit. I wanted to just cry my eyes out and let the warm tears run down my face right onto the black and white keys making a river of tears.

"You are okay Madisyn. Shawn is your savior and he will be here in a couple days, and you can feel safe again."

I may feel so scared right now, but I know that Shawn will protect me like he always does. He is my hero and I just feel like I need him here with me. I know I told him to stay, and it is the right thing to do, but I just want him by my side. I want him sitting next to me now holding me in his arms telling me Kade will never hurt me.

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