"I can't tell him." Sienna blurted out, rubbing her face. "If I told him, he'd be heartbroken." 

"Well, how can he know how you feel when you don't tell him?" Josh asked, looking over his glass of water that was placed in front of him. Sienna felt like sobbing, but Josh carefully smiled at her. "You'll be okay." 

Sienna nodded and Josh leaned back in his chair when a waitress walked by, placing their food in front of them. Sienna looked down at her food in distaste. 

"Eat, love." Josh ordered, pulling some of his side salad into his mouth. Sienna did as she was told, chewing slowly. "What are you going to tell Austin?" Josh finally asked, causing Sienna to look up quickly. 

"I dunno. I kinda wanna talk to Vic about it first. I haven't talked to him for a while, and he knows me better than I know myself." 

Josh grinned and bit his lip. "Well, I know that I want you to be around here. I don't like it when you're not around." 

Sienna felt herself smile and shove her hair behind her ear. "Thanks." 

"I mean it though." Josh said seriously, eyeing her carefully. Sienna's grin widened. 

"Thanks." She repeated, taking a bite from her bread. "Thank you very much." 




"Hello." Austin greeted to the boy who was sitting in the hospital bed. The boy's eyes widened and Alex giggled next to him. 

"Oh my God, Alexandria, you fucking didn't!" The boy cried, his eyes widening. Alex giggled and opened her arms wide. 

"Ta-Da." she grinned. The boy squealed and pulled Alex in for a hug. Austin felt his heart swell with the familiar feeling of deja vu. It seemed like only yesterday that he was sitting in that hospital bed recovering from his open heart surgery, and now, looking at this man, Austin felt like he'd known him all his life. 

"I'm Kyle." The boy said, holding out his hand. Austin shook it and introduced himself. The rest of his band did the same and BMTH introduced themselves, Dan, Matt, and Chris waving. Kyle was staring around in disbelief. 

"Wow, this is amazing." He breathed. "I was gonna go to your concert around here with Alexis, but, things got-" He looked down at himself. "Complicated." 

"Well, it's your sister who told us about you." Austin chimed in. "And dude, I really wanted to meet you. You mean a lot to her." 

"I have to." Kyle laughed, rolling his eyes. "Twinning!" 

Alex rolled her eyes and patted her brother's arm, lovingly. "How are you feeling, Ky?" She asked worriedly. Kyle shrugged. 

"The same, I guess." He sighed. "I still feel slight chest pains. They have to monitor me for a bit longer. See if this heart will do for me." 

Austin swallowed hard and smiled sadly at the man. He knew what it felt like. He was about to comfort him when Kyle laughed aloud. 

"Hey, man, can I have a picture with you guys?" He asked, nudging his sister. Alex held up her camera and Austin nodded. 

"Of course!" 

The bands all gathered around Kyle's bed, thumbs up, rock 'n roll sign, peace sign, tongues sticking out-Alex snapped the picture and grinned down in satisfaction at it. "It's perfect, Ky." 

Kyle made 'grabby' motions to the camera and looked down at the screen with slight disgust and Alan, Phil, Tino, Aaron and the rest of BMTH backed off a bit back to where they were standing originally. Kyle scoffed. 

"You can see my scar." he said distastefully. Austin frowned and shrugged off his hoodie so he was in his tank top which had a scooping neckline so you could see his faded slightly pink scar as well. 

"Here we go. Now we're matching!" Austin puffed out his chest so his scar was showing. Kyle grinned widely and Alex snapped another picture. Kyle looked at it again and chuckled. 

"Sweet! This is sick, man." Right as Kyle said that, he started coughing loudly. It was one of those thick coughs that sounded like buckets of phlegm was going to erupt from his lips. 

Alex frowned and patted her brother lightly on the back and Kyle started gesturing to the bedside table. "Wa-ter." He choked out. Oli poured him a glass and handed it to him and Kyle drank quickly, soothing his throat. Alex's eyes filled with tears and she kissed her brother on the cheek and backed away, out of the room. 

Austin, who was concerned, followed the girl out of the room, catching a glimpse of her disappearing around a corner. 

Austin caught up with her with a few long strides and watched as she leaned against the wall, sobbing. 

Austin frowned and wrapped his long arms around her. "Shh, it's okay." he soothed. "Why are you crying, kid?" 

Alex was shaking when she looked up at him, wiping tears from her beautiful hazel eyes. "I d-don't know." she mumbled. "I'm just worried about Ky. And if it's hereditary, then aren't my siblings gonna have to get surgery? Aren't I gonna get surgery? What if Kyle doesn't recover the way we want him to? What if he's sick forever? What if he-what if he dies-" She choked off and sobbed harder, causing Austin's stomach to twist. 

"Alex, let me promise you, he will survive. Just talk to Alan and the rest of my friends. I'm sure they were worried too, but you know what?" He peered down at her as she wiped her eyes, sniffling. 

"What?" she whispered. 

"I recovered. I lived. Kyle is gonna live too. I can tell. He's strong. And so what if you have to get surgery? Join the club, lady!" Austin smirked and rubbed her back. Alex cracked a dull smile. 

"Join the club?" 

"Yeah. We could have like, a slogan, like…Our hearts are so cool, we went through two-or something like that." Alex giggled and wiped her nose. 

"Yeah. That'd be a cool club." 

"Hey, this might sound crazy." Austin said softly. "But, would you like to finish up tour with us?" 

Alex's eyes widened. "What?" 

"I mean, do you want to like, travel with us? Come to the shows? We have enough space for you. If you wanted to come along with us. I think Tom wouldn't mind another photographer-" 

"Austin, I would love to." Alex blurted out, her smile wide. But then it wavered, growing dimmer. "But-your daughter, Sienna, I think she hates me-" 

"I'll talk to her." Austin said firmly. "But for now, we have to get you packed up!"  

Thank you once again! I love all of you! Thank you for voting! I love YOU SO MUCH! 

Don't forget to comment and vote! Bai! 

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin