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James was ready to hit the hay and sleep in. No Saturday morning practice and no full moon to keep him up late. It was only 9 and he was headed up to pass out on his bed. Though something, rather someone, distracted him. Lily's door was open and she was laying down on the ground staring at the ceiling.

He knocked gently and stood over her, "What're you doing?"

"Well I sort of glued my legs together with this spell and when I fell over my wand rolled under my bed and I've been stuck ever since. I was waiting for you to come back and help me."

James chuckled, "Only this could happen to the brightest witch in Hogwarts."

"It's not funny, James. I've been here for two hours and I counted every little crack on the walls, counted every hair on my head, did a few leg lifts, rolled around on the ground. I made it your room but it was so messy I just came back here. I tried to get up and hop but I nearly tripped down the stairs. I could've died!" 

"Okay Miss Over-Dramatic." James kneeled down by her bed and reached for her wand. "Here."

"If anyone is overdramatic, it's you - or Sirius."

"Maybe you should've glued your mouth shut." James smirked quickly dashing out of her room. 

"You're not funny."

"I'm hilarious! You know you should really date someone like that. Charming, charismatic, good looking, funny, intelligent, witty...I could go on."

"So Remus?"

James stopped smiling. "No. I was thinking oh I dunno, someone like...Me!"

"Oh I see, you are hilarious. Good joke, goodnight James."

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