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James was sitting in the kitchens eating a midnight snack and in deep thought. His plate of cookies was now nothing but crumbs and melted chocolate and his milk glass was empty without a drop left. The head elf, Twinky, cleared his plate.

The portrait swung open and Lily walked in. She smiled upon seeing him and pulled up a chair across. "Hello James."


"What're you doing here this late?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Well I couldn't sleep. Letting Sirius crash in the common room was a terrible mistake. He snores like a three headed dog."

James chuckled. "Tell me about it. I've already decided to change the password tomorrow morning. I was thinking 'Lily Potter'."

She dropped her cookie and stared at him, "Absolutely not. I was thinking more along the lines of James Potter is a prat."

This time James shook his head in disagreement. "No, no. What about James Potter is a god." Lily scrunched her nose up and shook her head. "Fine, what about James and Lily Potter."

She rolled her eyes and sipped her milk, "You're unbelievable." 

"Unbelievably witty, sexy, charming? I know."

"I swear your ego inflates ten times every second!"

"I'd say I have a one in ten chance of dating you."

"I'd say one in a million."

James smirked, "So you're saying I have a chance? Brilliant!" 

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