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James had just dressed in his quidditch robes getting ready for morning practice. Unlike him, he was running late. He was rushing about the dormitory brushing his teeth and searching for his broomstick and gloves. He wasn't sure but he thought he'd left his gloves in Lily's room after they were planning out school stuff late last night. Head duties weren't as fun as he'd hoped.

He knocked on the door, but in such a rush he burst in. Lily screamed and James immediately slammed the door shut, his face blushing bright red. "Merlin Lil, I'm so sorry! I just wanted my gloves!"

The door reopened and Lily stood there in her robe.

James gave her a faint smile, "I really am sorry, Lily."

She wasn't as mad as he expected. But she was smiling, which made him nervous. "Potter, is that your wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

His eyes followed her gaze and he swore internally. He was hoping she wouldn't notice. He decided to play it cool, praying the whole morning would blow over. Though he didn't really mind the first part. "You know, we can head back to my room and I'll show you few magic tricks..." He smirked and leaned against her door frame.

"Get out you pig!" She threw him his gloves and slammed the door.

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