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"Alright I think we should call it a night," Lily said mid-yawn. She stacked up all their Head papers and set them aside on her trunk.

James leaned against her bed board and ran a hand lazily through his hair. He was exhausted and he quite possibly could have fallen asleep right there. "Alright, goodnight." He pushed himself off the ground and staggered out of her room.

Lily got herself ready for bed when she stumbled upon something. James's Hogwarts ring. No doubt he'd want that back. She walked across over to his dorm and softly knocked on his door. After no response, she slowly pushed open his door to see him passed out of his bed face down under a mass of blankets. She followed the path of strewn clothes and set his ring beside his bed and smiled at him. He did look awfully cute when he was sleeping, she admitted.

He flinched and turned over his eyes peeping open. "Lily?"


"Returning my ring, are you?"

"How'd you know?"

"Left it as an excuse to see you again."

Lily rolled her eyes, "You see me everyday."

"And it's still not enough." He readjusted his pillow and looked up at her. "You know we can see each other tomorrow over dinner."

"I'll pass."

"Well I had to try."

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