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James and Sirius were in an intense match of darts when Lily walked by. "Mind if I try?"

"Sure, right after this," Sirius said. He threw his dart which landed right next to the bullseye. "Rats arse!" He walked a pried the darts off the board and handed one to Lily. "Go for it."

She threw one and it hit the very edge of the board.

"Jeez Lily, no offense but you're terrible!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Shut up. I bet you I could beat both of you!"

James smirked and leaned against the windowsill. "Okay Lily, you're on."

"What's the bet boys?"

"Alright, nothing to humiliating," Sirius said, "If we win I get this new product from Zonkos -"

"And I get a date," James piped in.

"And if I win, I get a new jumper."

All three shook on it and the game started. Lily went first, and to their surprise, the dart flew right into the bullseye. They both gasped and jumped from their seats. "Huh...guess I do know how to play?"

"You hustled us!" Sirius exclaimed.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

James rolled his eyes and went for his dart, but it hit just beside the bullseye. "MERLIN'S BALLS!"

At the end of the game Lily had won, as expected.

"Er - so do I still get that date?" James asked hopefully.

"No, but you can take me to buy my jumper tomorrow."

"So it's a date!"

"It's not."

"I'm still calling it one."

"It's not."

"La la, can't hear you!"

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