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New Years parties were Sirius's personal favorite. The boys had recently discovered the Room of Requirements and planned their secret party there. Almost everyone was invited, aside from a few certain Slytherins.

Sirius and James had smuggled all the booze they needed and Remus and Peter were supplying snacks and such. Streamers hung from the ceiling and there was a large dance floor in the center of the room which lit up in multiple colors. There were many seats and couches scattered about the place and strobe lights that flashed their beams across the room. It was extravagant. The only thing missing? The people.

"It's ten, show time baby!" Sirius exclaimed.

In groups, people of all houses came in through the large wooden doors. It wasn't long until the place a filled with people.

"Lily come on, maybe you'll find someone to snog at midnight!" Marlene said. "It's not the end of the world if we party."

"Fine, I'll go. But I'm not drinking." Marlene gave her the "uh-huh" look. "Much."


Lily didn't do much dancing, she just hung around the sides of the dance floor. She hadn't even seen Potter yet, which was shocking. Marlene had already gotten herself tipsy and was grinding with Sirius on the dance floor. Remus was chatting about and Peter had already passed out.

"Evans. You still sober?"

She spoke too soon. "I'm getting there."

"Mhm, I think you're afraid to have fun."

"I am not!"

"Prove it." His words were slightly slurred and he leaned in closer to her.

Lily scowled at him and chugged the rest of her drink.

It wasn't much longer until she was wasted. "POTTER! DANCE WITH ME!" She grabbed his arm and brought him out to the dance floor. They danced a long time until someone pulled them apart. James danced with Anabel Burke and Lily danced with Damian Percy. But the whole time James kept a close eye on Lily.

Damian took Lily's hand and guided her off the dance floor towards a more private place. And then began snogging in the corner. Lily wasn't much of a prude as most people saw her, but Damian wasn't Mr. Gentleman. She had her legs wrapped around his waist but he was going farther than she anticipated.



"I want to get down."

"No you're alright."

"No." She pulled away and he planted kisses along her neck. She unlatched her legs but his hands still roamed her body. "I'm tired."

"Okay, we can go to bed."

"No. I want...James. James can take me to bed."

Damian pulled away and sneered at the name. It wasn't an unknown fact that Damian, captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team, despised James. And his girlfriend broke up with him and dated James in fifth year. "Potter?"


Damian was ripped away from Lily by none other than James Potter. He always had impeccable timing. "Screw you Potter! Take you're whore." In a flash he was on the ground with a broken nose no doubt.

Lily giggled and sat on the ground. "Come on Lily, let's get you to bed."
James gently picked her up off the floor and carried her through the maze of people. "You're really drunk you know."

Lily just laughed more and leaned into his chest. "I'm not."

"Okay, and I'm not gorgeous."

"You know who's gorgeous? Dumbledore. He's got nice hair."

"I think you're going crazy."

He brought her to the head dorms and carried her to her room. He lay her down and she immediately ripped her shirt and pants off. James sighed and went to his room in search of clothes for her to wear. His mother taught him never to go through a ladies drawers. He came back with a very large quidditch jersey, the only thing long enough to cover Lily completely. It took all his willpower not to look at her, but he managed and faced away.

Once she was dressed enough, James turned off the light. "Okay Lily I'm going to go..." 

"WAIT!" she shouted. She stared at her clock which read 11:58. "It's almost midnight." The long hand ticked again and it was 11:59. "If you don't kiss at midnight, it's unlucky!"

James walked over to her and kneeled beside her bed. "Lily, you know I liked you very much but I can't kiss you when you're like this. Okay?"

Lily pouted and brought her blanket to her face. "Why not?"

"Because you'll beat me up in the morning, that's why."

"What if I kiss you?"

"Nope. Sorry Lily. Maybe if I'm lucky you'll kiss me tomorrow."

"I will!" Lily stared at her clock which counted down the seconds until midnight. 5.4.3. "Just one little kiss?"


James pecked her cheek and stood up. "Okay, goodnight Lily."

Lily smiled and buried herself in her bed. "Goodnight James."


Lily awoke the next morning with a killer headache. It felt like someone trying to crush her brain from the inside. "Bloody hell..." Slowly she sat up and took in her surroundings. She didn't remember coming to bed last night, hell she didn't remember anything from last night. The last thing she knew was that Potter was talking to her.

She pulled away her covers too see a shirt she definitely did not own. Especially one that said POTTER on the back. Her mind jumped around...Did she do it with James? No, she reassured herself. "He would be in bed if we did it. Wouldn't he?" Maybe he'd gotten up and left earlier. She didn't remember anything. Her clothes were strewn across the floor and her bed was a mess of blankets. There was only one way to figure it out.

She got up and marched over to James's room. He was fast asleep on his bed laying on his stomach. Lily pulled back his covers to reveal his partially naked body. "Potter." She gently shook him, trying her best not to let her eyes wander.

"Yes?" he mumbled.

"Did we...do it?"


"Okay. Thanks."

"So, you still gonna give me that kiss?"

Lily thought of last night, only barely remembering things. She definitely did NOT sleep with James, but he did take care of her. From what she could remember. She pecked his lips, just briefly and ran a hand through his hair. "Thank you for last night.


Just building up some JILY love. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!! LOTS OF LOVE, G

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