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"You think Lily will like this?" James asked. He ran a hand through his hair and stared at the masterpiece he and Sirius had created.

Sirius shrugged, "Her name is Lily, why wouldn't she like lilies?"

"Good point Pads. Lets go." He grabbed the bowl of enchanted lily petals and his invisibility cloak.

The two boys headed out of the common room and onto the grounds. Lily was where they expected, heading back from tea with Hagrid. James hid behind one of the stones at the top of the hill and watched. He gave a thumbs up, hoping invisible Sirius would see.

Lily hugged her cloak closer to her body to keep out the frigid January air. She had tea with Hagrid almost every Sunday afternoon, they had a very close friendship since her first year. Then, as if created from thin air, a single lily petal fell in front of her. She stopped in her tracks and bent down to pick it up, examining it. "What?" Lily looked up but saw nothing. She tossed the petal away and continued up the stairs. A few more petals fell in front of her, causing her to stop once more. "I swear if this is Potter..." She continued up the steps, the petals following her all the way up. A few petals turned to dozens and dozens turned into hundreds. There was a long trail of flowers from Hagrids to the school.

James stood at the entrance in the middle of a heart shaped by lily petals. "EVANS!" he said smiling.


"That's the name."

More flowers fell, gracefully framing around her. Lily swore she saw something in the sky, a foot, floating before disappearing once more. She shook her head, hoping the cold air wasn't getting to her and messing with her brain. "NO!" came a shout. Lily looked up, seeing something silver shooting at the ground, right at her. In the blink of an eye, it hit her square on the head and shhe fell to the ground.

James immediately rushed to her aid while Sirius ripped off the invisibility and flew to the ground. He sat her up and grabbed some snow as a makeshift ice pack. "Merlin Lily I'm so sorry!" he pleaded.

She glared at him, holding the block of ice to her head. "The answer still would've been no." She got up, pushing Sirius away and stormed into the castle.

James stood up and wiped off the snow. "Nice going mate!"

"Sorry, the bowl just slipped!"

"I was sure she'd say yes to that..."

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