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Remus looked back and forth between James and Sirius. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself. It repeated a few times. "Are you -"

"YES!" both James and Sirius shouted.

"Last time -"

"The bowl barely hit her!" Sirius argued. He flipped his hair out of his face, very sassily mind you, and crossed his arms. He looked like a little kid whining for his mum to let him go outside and play.

"The bowl that barely hit her, gave her a concussion!"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "She's fine now..."

James, who was watching their banter like a tennis match, checked the time. "Come on, Astronomy is starting soon. Moony, please let us do this! For me? For Lily? For our soon to be love?"

Not wanting to listen to the two boys beg anymore, Remus complied and gave James and Sirius back their brooms. "If this goes wrong, which it will - someway, somehow - you guys are buying me any chocolate I want at the next Hogsmeade."

"Deal!" James agreed without a second thought. "LET'S GO!" He skipped, yes James Potter knew how to skip, out of their dorm and out to the front of the school alongside Sirius whom was much to manly to be seen skipping. He simply half walked half jogged to keep up with James's speed.

"Merlin it's a wonder people think we're a couple. You just have to skip everywhere!"

"Padfoot it's much faster than walking and less tiring than running. Besides, Lily thinks it's cute."

"She also thinks you look like an emu."

James glared at him. "Shut up Sirius. Just get on the broom and I'll tell Professor Alcyone you're in the hospital wing after dueling with a Slytherin."

Sirius nodded and mounted his broom, "Oi Prongs!" James turned around, "Make sure I got wounded fighting bravely against the git."

James laughed and winked. "Of course." He rushed up to the Astronomy tower, it was just a bit after midnight, Professor Alcyone's favorite time to start class. The students were sitting on the floor writing stuff down when James burst through the doors. Professor Alcyone stood up at once, "Mr. Potter, how lovely for you to join us. Where is your partner in crime Mr. Black?"

"He's in the hospital wing." Remus snorted quietly from his seat. James looked over at him and smirked ever so slightly, but his gaze was looking a bit past Remus to the pretty redhead beside him. "He'll be around shortly. Madame Pomfrey wouldn't let me stay to watch her heal him, bit of a nasty duel against some Slytherin." James was more than happy that he shared this class with Ravenclaws. "Sirius won. If you were wondering." 

"Bullocks," Lily muttered quietly.

Professor Alcyone nodded, accepting his alibi. "Alright, well take a seat. Class has started."

James sat behind Remus, far enough away from Professor Alycone but close enough by Lily. He pulled out his two way mirror and said, "Sirius Black." Sirius's face appeared under the invisibility cloak, his hair gracefully waving in the breeze. "Padfoot," he whispered.

"Prongs I'm ready," Sirius's voice said.

"What was that?" Lily asked, whipping around.

James stuffed the mirror in his textbook and looked up innocently. "What? I'm trying to listen Evans, you should too." She pursed her lips, but none the less turned back around. 

"Close one mate," Sirius said. "She doesn't take you Sirius-ly."

"I'm really not in the mood for your over played puns right now."

"Geez, okay! Someone's a bit sassy tonight. They should just call you James, the man the myth the sasser."

James rolled his eyes.

Sirius, who flew high into the night sky, perched him self right by the Astronomy tower. He said the spell which would easily copy his words into clouds. "Lily Evans, will you -"

"Shut up!" Marlene demanded.

The words came out of Sirius's wand in tiny puffs.

"What's that?" Mary MacDonald said, pointing to the mysterious clouds forming in the sky.

"They're blocking my view of Ursa Major!" Professor Alcyone exclaimed. 

Everyone turned to Lily, to whom the clouds were addressing. LILY EVANS WILL YOU SHUT UP!

Lily liked moderate attention from her close friends, but with James the spotlight was always on her. The whole room stared at her, and at James seemed to be looking for something in the sky, his eyes darting all over.

"Romantic, Potter," Lily said.

James scratched the back on his head and gave her a faint smile. "Dammit Marlene."

"Tell Sirius hello when he gets back from the sky."

"So I'll see you up at 8 tomorrow?"

"Nice try, Potter."

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