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"You know Lily Evans's got a nice rack," whispered some 5th year Hufflepuff to his Slytherin mate. "Shag or Drag?"

"Shag, definitely," the other said. "But only if she'd shut her trap for the hour." 

"Agreed. Hot but she yaps to much. Like a puppy dog." 


The two boys laughed but there was one who wasn't. James, who had overheard their conversation, turned around and said, "Expulso." Both boys were blasted away landing in a heap on the grass. "What did you say about Evans?"

"PRONGS!" Sirius shouted, rushing up to join his best mate. "What's the deal? Why didn't you tell me we were bashing some kids." He looked over at the two boys, "Only joking. What'd they do to get you pissed?"

"Talking bad about Evans."

"Well, as long as theirs a reason. He looked at the boys who had stumbled to their feet with their wands out. "Hufflepuff and Slytherin? You don't see that everyday, eh, Prongs? Levicorpus!"

The boys were hung by their feet in mid air, their robes tumbling down and their trousers sliding up their legs. James sneered at both of them, more towards to Slytherin that called Lily a mudblood. "Take back what you said or I swear you'll regret it."

"All right, all right!" the Slytherin shouted. "Lily's a perfectly fine girl! She's not a mudblood."

James nodded and Sirius released the spell sending them to the ground.

"Potter!" came a shout.

"Busted..." Sirius muttered. 

"What're you doing! You can't be bullying 5th years around! What kind of example does that put? What has he done to you?"

James frowned, not sure how to respond. The kid really didn't do anything to him, but he considered Lily was a part of his heart, therefore a part of him. But how did he phrase that into words? "He was talking trash about you!"

"I can handle it, I don't need your arrogant arse defending me every time someone says something."


"No - don't Evans me. You and Black need to clean up your acts. It's almost the end of term and then our last year. Learn to be the bigger person and not the biggest prat." 

"Come on Evans, go out with me." The 5th years were long gone by now and James chased after Evans. Sirius had distracted himself with a pretty flower growing in the ground. "What will it take?"

"Maybe you can learn my actual name. Contrary to belief, Evans, isn't my actual name. Oh and maybe stop picking on kids younger than you and deflate your head. It's a wonder how you stay on the earth with your ego blowing you up. You think everything is served on a silver platter to you, James freaking Potter, who thinks he can get away with everything he does by flirting or charming his way out. Oh, and asking me out everyday won't make me reconsider my answer."

James sighed, watching her storm off. Sirius was still staring at the dandelion in the ground, picking off each individual petal. "She loves him not. She loves him so. She loves him not. She loves him so." He looked up when James sat beside him, "Hey, this flower says she loves you mate. But I reckon she thinks your a bit flabbergasted. I don't know what it means, but Moony got me a word of the day calendar."

"You think she's right? Am I really a bit conceited?"

"I don't think so. But she says I'm not serious enough when I do things. Which is crazy since I am always Sirius!" James didn't respond but chuckled softly.

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