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"My hair is disgusting," Lily mumbled looking in the mirror.

"Shut up Lily, you're beautiful," Marlene said. "I swear if you had a galleon for everyone that thought that, you'd be richer than Potter!"

James peeked his head in through the doorway and smirked, "Talking about how good looking I am, are we?"

"You're ego is so big i don't know how it fits through the door," Marlene muttered. 

"What're we talking about ladies?"

"Lily thinks she's ugly."

"If someone wrote a list of what makes me pretty, it would be so short."

James snorted, "Well yeah, the only thing on it would be 'everything'."

Marlene laughed and hi-fived James. "This is why I love you Potter." Lily stared at her with a raised eyebrow, "Come on, that was good."

"I have my moments," James said smirking. 

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