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It was Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor was up by 30. Remus sat in the commentator seat keeping a watchful eye on James. Almost as if he was anticipating something to happen - not quidditch related. Lily sat in the stands with Alice, convincing her that she was only there for Marlene and Hestia and to support Gryffindor. But Alice wasn't having it. She was convinced Lily fancied James.

"Sirius Black hits a bludger straight at Diggory! Ooh, that's gonna leave a nasty mark," Remus said. "What's this? James Potter has the quaffle in his possession and he's....flying over here?"

McGonagall stood up as James hovered by Remus. "POTTER!" she exclaimed, pursing her lips. "Get back out there!"

James held the quaffle tightly under his arm while Sirius and aimed bludgers at anyone who tried to come up to him.

"Er - Lily Evans!" he shouted loudly into the microphone. Remus rubbed his temples and sat down regretting his decision to help James out. "I love you more than quidditch!" All heads turned to the redhead who stood in shock across the pitch. "Will you go out with me?"

"POTTER!" came the oh so familiar shout. "NO!"

McGonagall made her way down and shoved Remus out of the way. "Mr. POTTER you heard the lady, now go PLAY QUIDDITCH!" 

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