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James sat up on his broom admiring the pitch. That was before he spotted a better sight. What could be better than quidditch? That's right. Lily Evans. James flew over to his fixation and hovered in front of the stands. Lily looked up to acknowledge his presence but said nothing.

"So Evans, whathca reading?"

"Some book..."

"Fancy playing a game of quidditch?"


"Well then can I read too?"

James made a grab for her book but Lily pulled away. "Potter what do you want?"

"To play quidditch, but I didn't expect any fans to join me."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I'd hardly call your first years fans. More along the lines of stalkers."

"They're cute. It's not like you don't like the attention the boys give you."

Lily blushed and held her book higher. "If you want to make fun of someone then you can find someone else." 

"Come on Evans, all the guys are after you. Quite annoying actually." 

"You know what else is annoying?"

"You're constant bickering?" James smirked and took the quaffle out from under his arms. "Hope you'll be at the game tomorrow. My first shot will be for you."

"I feel so honored!"

"You think I could make it from here?" He looked over at the three hoops and from where he sat was half way across the pitch. "Here, if I make this shot will you go out with me?"

Lily looked at the hoops and shrugged. "We'll see."

He took the shot, and it hit the rim of the middle hoop and bounced in. Lily was amazed, her eyes wide, but she quickly shoved it away and kept her face straight. James turned around and smiled at her. "I'm not going out with you, but that was impressive."

James shrugged. "I've been working on it all month. We need some new plays."

"Maybe light the hoops on fire and do it blindfolded while hippogriffs chase you. Then I'll go out with you."

James smirked, "You got it, Flower."

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