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Lily stared at the clock. It was now 8 pm with no sign from the infamous James Potter. It was her dream come true, a day without Potter pestering her every second. But it was also quite lonely. Sure she had Marlene and Mary, and Alice and Hestia but Lily never really noticed that James took up most of her day as well. And Sirius.

The only times she saw him was during classes, and even then he wouldn't do his usual shtick and annoy her to no end until he landed himself in detention. Instead he just sat forward, maybe tipped his chair back a few times, and the occasional glances back but mostly towards Remus who sat next to her.

James stood at the top of the stairs peering down trying to get a glimpse of the red head. "I don't think she noticed."

Sirius pat his back and whispered, "I'm sure she did. During Transfiguration she was boring a hole into your head! I promise my idea worked. Maybe not enough for her to say yes but get her more interested." James wasn't buying it. "Okay, here, you walk down, don't even look at her and head straight out of the common room. But don't walk too fast. Trust me."

James sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Why?"

Sirius rolled his eyes and gave him a little shove. James tripped over a few steps and glared over his shoulder. Sirius gave his an encouraging thumbs up and motioned for his to keep going.

James did as instructed. He saw Lily as he round the curve of the staircase and tried his best not to look at her.

Lily watched as James crossed the room not even glancing at her, or winking as he usually would.

"Potter." Lily stood up and he froze.

"Yes?" He spun around on his heels and gave her a faint smile. "Am I in trouble?"

"Er - no. I was just curious, well, I dunno, why you haven't spoken to me all day."

James smirked but quickly wiped it away. Sirius, that sly dog, really did it. He managed to make a successful plan without anybody getting physically hurt.

"Oh, must've been busy. You didn't miss me, did you?"

Lily straightened up and scoffed, "Nope. Just wondering if I could get another Potter-free day."

"Sorry, one time thing. You're out of luck." Lily smiled. "You know, this is that part where you ask me out."

"And why would I do that?"

"Psychology, my dear Evans."

"Did you seriously just try to quote Sherlock?"

"Remus leaves his books around and I get bored. Anyways, you see I leave you alone for a day and then you realize you love me so much you ask me to marry you. But seeing as we're going slow, a simple date will suffice."

Lily snickered and began to pack up her stuff. "It'll take a lot more than psychology."

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