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James ran into the Head's dorm and slammed the portrait locking it with a spell. "Holy Salazar!" he gasped, catching his breath. Sirius had gone on a mad rage after James spilled a potion in his hair that made it stiff as a brick and was determined to shave James' beautifully messy hair off. 

James could feel his heart pounding out of his chest. If there was something he loved more than the Marauders and Lily Evans, it was his hair. Messy to perfection, soft as silk, black as a raven. It defined James Potter and nothing would ever harm it. Especially Sirius' scissors. 

There was a noise outside the door and James turned around with his wand out. 


It was a girls voice and James easily recognized it. Lily. But was it a trap? He couldn't be too careful. "Who is it?"

"Helga Hufflepuff. Who do you think it is you prat? It's Lily. James is that you? Stop messing around."

"Is Sirius with you?"

"No. Does it matter?"

"Yes! My beauty is on the line here, how can I be sure to trust you?"

"Your beauty? How much more conceited could you be! Let me in James!" 

"No! I can't...Are you Sirius polyjuiced to be Lily so I'll let you in?"

"If I was, why would I tell you?"

"Good point. Promise our hippogriff's life that you're alone."

"I promise."

James needed to make sure this was Lily, he couldn't take any risks.  "Would you call me a git or a prat?"

"You are the most pratty git I've ever met in my life!"

James sighed in relief and swung opened the portrait letting Lily in and keeping a watchful eye out for Sirius to jump out of nowhere. He pulled her inside and shut the door again. "We're changing the password to Lily Potter." 

"Absolutely not!"

"Fine, Lily Evans shagged James Potter."

"No, Lily Potter's better."

"Thank you."

"What was that about?"

"Nothing...We're going to be in here a while, though. It'll be good practice for when we're living together." 

Lily slapped him upside the head. "I hope Sirius shaves your hair. Maybe your ego will deflate."

"So I take it we're not going to snog in front of the fireplace with a candlelit Honeyduke supplied meal?"


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