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"You think this will work?" Marlene whispered. "This seems like a dumb idea."

Sirius shrugged and said, "Well we've already started." Sirius tipped his head back and downed the disgusting bubbling drink in his hand. "Okay, we've got an hour."


"Hi Evans - er Lilybug." James, who was really Sirius, said, clearing his throat. "So I heard you were looking for a date to Slughorn's party."

Lily looked at James with narrow eyes, "Did we not just talk a few hours ago?"

James's face froze, "Er - yeah. But most of the time I tune out of conversations."

"Well you didn't seem tuned out when we were snogging."

James's face lit up and he exclaimed "NICE ONE!" He cleared his throat and fixed his collar and gave himself a pat on the back, "Nice job me."

The portrait opened and the real James walked in. "Hey - why is there another me?" He walked over to "himself" and stared at him. "Who are you?" He tackled the other James and they fought on the floor until Lily tore them apart.

"Enough..." She hated to admit it, but now she couldn't tell which was the real James. "Now which one is which."

"I'm the real James," they answered in unison.

"No, I'm the real James," the other said.

"Lily, you know me."

"Lily, you can't believe him. It's me, James."

"She's not stupid. She knows you're the fake."

"I promise it's me."

"Will both of you shut up?" Lily exclaimed. She thought a moment, staring between both of them. "What's James's nickname?"

"Prongs," they both answered. They stared at each other and glared.

"Oh so it's one of the Marauders..." She walked closer to one of them and stared at his face, then moved on to the other. And then she ran her hand through one of the James's hair and brushed his ear. Nothing happened. "Black."

James's face fell and he rolled his eyes, "How'd you know?"

"The real James would've squirmed."

The real James nodded and crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Mhm..."

"Hey mate I was trying to help you," Sirius said. "And by the way, you have terrible eyesight."

"Help what?"

"Your pathetic arse."

James set himself up for that and he mentally face palmed. "What were you going to do?"

"So Evans, care for a date?"

"No," she replied.

"Oh well, I tried. I do hope this wears off soon. Being in Prongs's body makes me feel weird...Lighter package if you know what I mean."

James punched Sirius in the shoulder. "Shut up."

"Ow, you know you bruise easily!"

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