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So excited I have written #101 and I'm can't wait to share it. AHHHHH XOXOXOXOXO -g 

(PS. comment if you know where Confess or Stress if from) 


"It's called Confess or Stress" Sirius said. The Marauders plus Lily and her friends sat in the Room of Requirement with a pair of dice. "It's simple, you roll an odd number you have to do a dare. If you roll even, you must reveal something embarrassing that happened to you or something nobody knows. Who's first?"

Marlene took the dice and rolled an 8. 

"Spill," Sirius said. 

Marlene thought a moment, "Okay well once I was walking down the Grand Staircase and I stepped on McGonagall's tail and tripped." 

The game continued on as everyone took turns. Sometime later James had already licked the floor, Remus shared he tried to eat a mouse when he was younger, Lily had turned her hair blonde, Sirius shared he coughed a hairball during his exam with McGonagall, and Mary had eaten a bag full of all the gross Bertie Bott's beans. 

"Alright James, it's your turn again," Mary said handing him the dice. 

He rolled an 11. 

Sirius and Marlene grew wicked smirks. "I dare you to hold Lily's hand the rest of the night." 

James looked at Lily who sat beside him. He carefully took her hand and rest it on his knee. "Who's next?"

Lily gave Marlene "that" look. The 'I know what you're doing' look. Marlene just shrugged but her playful smirk said otherwise. "Me."


By the end of the night the group felt slightly closer than before. These games were always fun and Lily had almost forgotten James was still holding her hand until he leaned over and whispered, "You know holding hands in some countries is considered being married."

"If you say one more thing like that I will crush your hand so hard you won't ever hold a broomstick again."

Sirius snickered, "Damn Prongs, you just got rejected!"   

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