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"EVANSSSS!" Sirius shouted, running through the castle in search of the redhead. "THERE'S AN ISSUE!" Lily walked out of the portrait with her arms crossed. Sirius skidded to a halt and slowly backed up. "Come on, follow me!" He took off down the corridor and she had nothing else to do other than follow him.

James was laying down in the Great Hall barely moving. "I think he's dead," Peter whispered. "He ate this really hot pepper and he needs a kiss."

From behind Lily, Sirius gave Peter a thumbs up.

Lily stared at the two of them, then down at James. She got on her knees and bent down just above his face. " You're pathetic James." She sent a stream of water on his face with her wand and stood up.

James immediately sat up and screamed. "Come on!" 

"You ate a hot pepper and needed a kiss?"

James looked at Peter, "I said to tell her I chocked on a pepper."

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