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"Prongs I really don't -"

James waved off Remus, and hunched over the mysterious project he and Sirius were working on.

"Fine, but if this blows up, don't say I didn't warn you!"

Sirius snorted. "Whatever Moony, I'm sure this will work."

"If I had a galleon for the amount of times I've heard that, I'd be richer than James."

"It's ready!" Sirius shouted, holding up the masterpiece.

It was a small snitch like thing that was now bewitched to follow the person who said the activate word, "Potter". Once following, James recorded a bunch of messages to say throughout the day. Sirius stuffed it into his pocket and the two boys ran to find Lily. Luckily she was on her way out of the portrait.

"OI!" Sirius shouted.

"Evans," James said flirtatiously.

"Potter," she responded, as expected.

Sirius smirked, feeling the snitch push its way out of his pocket and fly free into the air. It hovered over her head, giving of a soft buzzing noise due to it's wings.

"What is that?" Lily asked, staring at the snitch.

"I don't know what your talking about," Sirius said.

Lily pointed to the snitch and it flew higher, out her reach. "Look! There."

James stared at the snitch, but darted his eyes around, "Evans, there's nothing there."

"I think she's going mad, eh, Prongs?"

Lily huffed and continued out of the common room. She made her way down to the library to finish her work but the buzzing sound still remained. Looking up, she saw the snitch hovering lazily above her. "What in Merlin's beard... I swear if Potter did this."

"You're looking lovely today Evans," said a voice.

Lily whipped around, finding nobody but Madame Pince. 

"You're hair looks great. Did you do something new?"

Lily turned around again, knowing for sure she had heard something. And it definitely was not Madame Pince. She looked up, staring at the snitch still hovering. She waited a moment, but nothing happened. "Black's right, I'm going mad." She packed up her bags and slowly got up. Testing the snitch, she took a set forward. The snitch was lazily hovering over her and slowly following.

Hoping to outsmart Potter and Black, she ran to the door and slammed it shut. Unfortunately the snitch had already made it to the other side. "Dammit!" She grabbed one of her books from her bag and tried to swat it. The snitch only flew higher.

"Nice try Evans."

"Shut up." She stuffed the book away and stormed off towards the Gyffindor Tower.

"You know, your eyes are a brilliant shade of green."

"Thanks. Do you say more than compliments?" There was no answer. "Ugh, of course it doesn't. It's a snitch for God's sake!" The rest of the walk the snitch gave her endless compliments in James's voice. She was getting used to it the more she walked - but received odd stares from passing students.

"James is really good looking," a new voice said. Lily recognized it as Black. "Evans if you date him you're practically dating all of us. We're kind of a package deal. All for one or none for you -"

"Padfoot what're you doing!" James voice shouted.

There was a long pause and the sound of shuffling - most likely Sirius hiding the snitch. "Nothing."

"What did you do!" 

Lily chuckled softly. 

"Hey Evans," James said as she walked through the portrait.

"Take it off," she demanded.

"Okay Princess." He flicked his wand muttering some spell, and the snitch fell into his hands. He stuffed it into his pocket and smiled at her. "Better?"


"So, little James -" she gave him an amused look -"my snitch, is quite the charmer, eh?"

"I suppose. Quite annoying too. So I guess it's not to far from the actual you."

He smirked, "So did you reconsider that date in Hogsmeade?"

"Ha. No."

He looked over at Sirius and Remus. Sirius was giving him a thumbs up and Remus rolled his eyes, smacking Sirius so he'd focus on the chess game. "Okay, well I'll see you there!" He walked off towards his mates. Lily stared at him, confused. "What?" she mumbled to herself.

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