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"Do you ever make shapes out of clouds?" James asked laying down. 

Lily looked over at him, then up at the sky. "Of course, who doesn't?" She set aside her schoolwork and lay beside him staring up at the bright blue sky.

"That looks like Sirius on a hippogriff." James pointed up at one and Lily followed. She had to admit, it did look an awfully lot like Sirius on a hippogriff. "And that one, it looks like rabbit on a large carrot."

"Ooh look!" Lily pointed at another, "That one looks like a dinosaur in a hat."

Lily stared farther away when a string of clouds caught her attention. "Will you...go out with me?"


"No," she hit his arm, "You know what you did."

"I dunno what you're talking about. So is this a date?"


"I think it's going on the list." 

"I think not."

"Too late. It's already added."

"Merlin's beard..."

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