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"Are you sure, Wormtail?" James asked, skeptically staring at the basket.

"I'm sure she'll like it, Prongs!" Peter chirped, handing him the picnic basket. "I had the house elves help and everything! If she doesn't like it, which she will, then bring it back so I can give it to Sirius. I'm sure he'd like it too."

James sighed, grabbing the basket. "Okay, I'll tell you how it goes."

Remus set down his book, chuckling. "Does he know -?" Peter shook his head. "Merlin he's going down. I feel bad for him sometimes."

"I'm sure Lily will like it!"

"Maybe, but I don't think everyone has the same taste as you Peter."

James walked up to the beech tree where Lily sat, scanning over her half written Potions essay. James noticed she skipped lunch - probably studying - and asked Peter to get a food basket from the kitchens. "Hello Evans," he said sitting beside her. He plopped the basket down and smiled at her.

She looked up, clearly annoyed. "Sure Potter, of course you can sit. It's not like I'm doing anything important..." she said sarcastically.

"Fantastic! Well I saw you skipped lunch, I dunno know maybe you were too busy, but I brought you a snack!" He opened the basket and pulled out some of the items. James stared at each item as he pulled them out, but stopped halfway. "Dammit Peter," he muttered. 

Lily picked up one of the items wrapped in plastic. "You brought me...cheese?"

James stared at the multiple amounts of cheese stuffed into the basket. Peter's favorite food.

"Did you at least bring crackers?"

"I don't think so... I'm so sorry Evans. I asked Peter to make something in short notice and yeah. Er - don't suppose you like Brie? You know what Brie goes great with?"

Lily set down the cheddar cubes and stared at him. "No, what?"

"A date with me."

She rolled her eyes, "Funny, Potter. I'll take the Gouda cubes since they don't come with a date." She took the small container and gave him a genuine smile, "Thanks, Potter."

James sighed and stuffed the cheeses back into the basket. "I'll see you later Evans." He walked grumpily back up to the castle and back to the dorm. Once there, he threw the basket down in front of Peter who was eager to see it again. "CHEESE? Really? Come on Wormtail!"

"I told you," Remus muttered.

Sirius burst into the room, a smile plastered onto his face. His canine senses kicked in and he ran to the basket. "Food? How'd you know I was hungry Peter?"

"See!" Peter said smugly, "Some people like cheese..."

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