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"I don't think I've ever loved Christmas time more!" James exclaimed.

Remus looked over at Sirius and whispered, "He found Dumbledore's mistletoe, didn't he?"

"So when you guys are on patrols maybe try to get her under the mistletoe and I'll just happen to walk by. Right by the library."

"I can't."

"Moooooooony! Please? I'll buy you as many chocolate frogs as you want over break!"

Remus rolled his eyes but nodded his head. "Okay...Lily's going to hate me."


"So what're you holiday plans?" Remus asked, casually turning the corner towards the library.

"I dunno, my parents are thinking of going somewhere and Petunia has this boyfriend of hers she's spending it with. I might just stay here. What about you?"

"I think I'm spending it at the Potter's."

"Ah. I suspect Sirius will be there too."

"Yeah, he basically lives there."

Lily walked under the arch but found herself stuck. "What the -" she tried moving but there was an invisible force. Remus back away, hoping not to get caught in it, but he too was stuck. "Bugger...Magic Mistletoe."

James took this ask cue and strolled around the corner. "Oh hey guys!"

"NO!" Lily shouted.

But it was too late. Not only was James stuck with Lily, but he was also stuck with Remus.

"Merlin you idiot."

"Name calling? That's a little immature."

"You're calling me immature? You're the definition of immature!"

"Well I guess we'll just have to have our first kiss now. Remus can be witness and retell it on our wedding night."

"I don't think so."

"Oh, so no toasts?"

"No wedding!"

"Well how else are we getting out of here?"

Lily shrugged and turned to Remus quickly pecking his lips and walking out from under the mistletoe. "Like that."

Remus was too shocked to move, and therefore lost his only chance to escape.

"You're fucking kidding me..." James muttered.

Lily laughed and leaned against the wall, "Pucker up boys."

Remus stared at James, his eyes wide and his face repulsed. The favor was returned on James's end.

"Not in Merlin's rotting pants would I..."

"I suppose we could stay like this forever. Sirius could slide food for us and Peter could entertain us and bring us our lessons."

"But quidditch..."

Remus frowned, "Oh yeah. And I like silence when I read..."

"Dammit how do we get into these situations! Okay let's just do it."



Lily sighed. Of course that's what James was thinking. "Are you done?

Slowly, slower than the pace of a sloth with a broken arm, they leaned in grimacing and felt their lips barely touch before running away and cleansing their mouths. "SCOURGIFY!" they both shouted.

"Can't wait to retell this story tomorrow morning!"

"You wouldn't." Both Remus and James mumbled.

"Try me."

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