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"Hi baby," Lily said kneeling in the snow. She pat her lap and cooed at the cute black dog in front of her. She recognized it, but couldn't put a pin on it. "Come here boy!"

Sirius was slightly offended at the baby talk, but pranced over. He was worn out from chasing James he just wanted a belly rub. He lay in front of her and rolled onto his back looking at her pleadingly.

"You're so cute." She scratched his stomach and gave him a kiss on the nose. "Snuffles? Aren't you from Hogwarts?"

Then out of the corner of her eye she spotted something flinch. She turned around and spotted large antlers protruding from the trees at the park and then the most majestic animal with a shiny fawn coat and bright hazel eyes with small black dots around the eyes and a bushy white tail.

"Merlin's bloody balls!" Lily whispered.

Sirius rolled back over and rolled his eyes at James and barked.

"Shh." Lily got up slowly and made her way over to the stag. She reached her hand out and it stepped forward allowing Lily to stroke it's head. "You're quite the gentleman." She looked at it, closer, and it reminded her so much like James it was uncanny.

The black dog barked again and the stag looked over. It was almost in synch as they both dashed off towards the meadow and into the forest.

Lily ran back to her house and straight up to her room to write James. But something was already waiting on her desk. James's owl Lily had grown to know over the years was sitting on her windowsill beside hers and they seemed pretty comfortable together. "Damn even your bird is a player Potter..."

She opened up his letter,

Hello Lily,

Hope you're having a fantastic break. You know I saw some deer roaming around Cokeworth last time I was there. Maybe you'll see some. Anyways, happy Christmas. Also, mum invited you to come spend the holidays with Sirius and I for a few days. Marlene is also staying and she tends to get annoyed. By the way, I'm still waiting for that second date.


Lily sat on her bed at loss for words. Potter always knew everything, though she wouldn't admit it. None the less, she wrote him back.


Marlene already asked me to stay, well begged, and I had to say yes. So I will be coming on December 25th until school returns. And I did see a stag today, it kind of looked like you...weird. AND IT'S NOT OUR SECOND DATE!


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