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"Padfoot I'm being serious." 

"Are you really?" Sirius questioned with a playful smirk. 

James held up two things. In his left hand was a box of chocolates and in the right was a certificate for co-ownership of a pet hippogriff, not yet signed. "Which one?"

"Prongs if you really need to ask I don't think you'll date her anytime soon."

"You're right. The hippogriff it is." He tossed Sirius the chocolates and headed out of the common room to find Lily. She was in the Great Hall. "Lily!" he called. He jogged up to her, Sirius following in suit. "I have a present for you." He handed her the certificate. "His name is Scout."

"You got me a hippogriff?"

"Well it's Hagrid's but he said it'd be fine if we both took care of it. So we're like his parents."


Sirius spat out his chocolate.


"Yeah. It would be cruel to turn it down."

"So I guess we're married then...owning a kid and all."

"Potter I'm taking care of a hippogriff, not signing a marriage license."

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