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Hiya Lily!

You'll never guess what? You're staying over in a week! Sirius wants to teach you the game Invasion we made when we were 12. It's quite fun when the house is empty. Anyways, I was thinking we could go to Diagon Alley and go Christmas shopping, I need to get Marlene something. Cheers. Also, it would be our second date.

Love, James


We're not going on a date! And I'm 9.000 percent sure I already knew I was staying over. Also, I'm considering taking in your owl because she's exhausted from all these letters. If you really want to talk you can find a phone and call me.



Do muggle phones work in magic homes? I heard they blew up. Also if I were to get you a present what would you want?

Love, James


Please do not get me any presents. And no, muggle phones will no blow up in your home.



Hello Evans! I didn't know Prongs was writing you! Well actually I did, but I didn't know you responded! I thought he was just spamming you. Anyways, can't wait until you come over, it'll be like a sleepover every night! Except you and Prongs can keep the noise down after bed time. And if I were to get Marlene a gift, what would I get? PS. DOGS ARE BETTER THAN DEER!


Potter (and Sirius),

DO YOU FANCY MARLENE? Get her new quidditch gloves, she's been dying for a new pair. And maybe a necklace, if you're feeling fancy. And Potter and I WON'T be spending any time after 'bed time'.



So you're coming over tomorrow! I'll see you then. PS I already got your gift and I don't expect anything in return. But if you were to get something I'll take a date. Or a kiss. Or both. Padfoot and Marlene hid mistletoe all over the house, heads up. Anyways, could you give Brandy a treat? She's been very sassy lately. AND DEER ARE BETTER THAN DOGS! Just thought I'd put that in there.

Love, James


I'm excited to stay, honestly. And no we're not going on a date nor will I kiss you. Aside from that, we'll just have to figure a way to stick Marlene and Sirius under the mistletoe.

Love, Lily

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