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I'M SO SORRY. My computer has been broken for so long and I feel terrible not posting in forever. XxxxOooo -G


"Do you keep any diaries?" Sirius asked.

"No, why would I put my thoughts in a book when I can say them out loud?" Marlene responded. "For instance, Lance Haramas looked really hot today and Holly Marple is a bitch."

"What about you Lily?" James asked.

"I did once when I was twelve, but not anymore."

"Can we read it!" Sirius asked, well more shouted excitedly. "Please?"


"Why not?"

"I don't remember what I wrote in it. So no."

James smirked and said, "It probably goes, 'Damn that James Potter kid is so cute I wish he'd just ask me out already!' Well wish granted Lily, let's go out!"

"Ha ha," Lily dryly laughed. "Not happening."

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