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"Hey Mulciber why don't you mind your own damn business and get off my field!" James shouted. 

"It's the schools pitch Potter. Mummy and Daddy didn't buy it for you for Christmas. And my team has practice. Slughorn approved."

"Well McGonagall approved us!"

Neither team moved and stood their ground. 

"We're not leaving."

"Afraid Gryffindor will kick your ass next week?"

"In your dreams."

"Listen I'm not here to pick a fight. I'm excited to see your mum. Oh wait...is she coming, or is she still sleeping around with Greyback?"

Mulciber sneered at James, tightening his grip on his broom. "Fuck off Potter. You don't know anything. Keep to your own lifeless business."

"I'm James Potter. It's my business to know what other people don't know."

Mulciber gave in and growled at James. "Fine, I'm sure we'll have fun with your mudblood. You know I've always wondered just how feisty redheads get..."

James ran up to Mulciber and punched him right in the nose. And then it happened. Both teams ran up to each other and fist fought. For the most part Gryffindor had the upperhand until McGonagall came running out onto the pitch. She waved her wand and the teams immediately separated.

James got up immediately and wiped the blood from his nose and then helped up Sirius. The only person who wasn't truly beaten was Marlene, and she had a nasty kick to the snitches.

"Potter, Mulciber! What is the meaning of this?"

"Ask him," Mulciber grumbled.

McGonagall turned to James with a stern look but a hint of disappointment. "Potter?"

"It was nothing. We were just about to practice." He grabbed his broom and began to walk away but McGonagall grabbed his hand. "No you're all going to the hospital wing. All practices are canceled today."

James mumbled things under his breath and stalked off with his team following in suit. They walked into the hospital wing to see Remus and Lily. Marlene ran over to Lily to tell her everything and Madame Pomfrey took everyone to a bed.

"Merlin what happened?" Remus asked.

"Stupid fight with Slytherins," Sirius answered. 

"Yeah Potter doesn't know when to shut his trap," Marlene commented.

Sirius nodded and took the ice bag from Madame Pomfrey. "I agree mate, you shouldn't have egged him on."

"Whatever. He deserved it."

"What did he do?"

"Nothing," all three answered.

Lily pursed her lips and moved to sit next to James. "What happened?"

"He just said somethings about you."

"I can handle things for myself."

"Thanks for the help," Sirius said lifting the ice off his black eye.

Lily rolled her eyes and turned back to James. "Thank, I suppose."

"Does this mean you'll go out with me?"

"You only broke a nose for me? Maybe next time get on a horse and joust for my love. Then we'll talk." 

James smiled took the rag from her hand to heal his nose. "I'll keep that in mind."

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