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"Welcome all to the exciting episode of James Potter's Love Life," Sirius said holding his new video camera. "On this episode, we will watch as James attempts to befriend the lovely, and temperamental, Lily Evans." He turned the camera around to see James walking up to Lily and sitting beside her in the Great Hall. "There he is, James Potter, quidditch extraordinaire but not the best looking. Watch as he sits beside her trying to to stare at her arse. Did you see that? I think he just did..."

"Sirius turn that off," Remus said. 

Sirius turned the camera towards Remus, "Hello Moony, say hello to James Potter's Love Life, a film in the making."


"This is Moony, our best friend. Now back to James..."

Sirius zoomed in on the two of them and continued his commentary, "James just asked Lily if she wanted to go on a date and he'd buy her all the peaches in the world. That's a lot of strawberries. Let's see what happens." James got up and walked back towards them. "Ooh looks like Lily Evans declined him. Her exact words, 'I'm don't like peaches'. Ouch. That's another turn down for James."

"What're you doing?" James asked, staring at the camera.

"Documenting your failed attempts at dating Lily," Remus answered casually. 

"What?" James made a reach for the camera and Sirius backed away, a fight over it occurring. 

On the screen was just a muffle of grunts and flashes of James' angry face. 

"Oi!" Sirius said protecting the camera. "You'll be glad I did this! One day you'll look back at these and thank me for showing you how whipped you were in Hogwarts!"

James smacked his head. "Sod off."

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