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James ran to the library - something he did rarely on his own. He scavenged every book until he found was he was looking for. "Perfect." He checked out the book and ran back to his dorm. Remus and Sirius were out doing who knows what and Peter was nowhere to be found. This idea was all his own, but he wasn't entirely sure it would work out. It was smooth, charming, and just might work. Remus would call it stupid, but he knew Sirius would back him up. He ripped out a piece of parchment and taped it underneath the sentence he had search oh so long for.

"Lily!" James shouted, running up to her. She sat under the beech tree reading. "Hey Evans! I've got something for you."

She put down her book and sat up. "Yes?"

"It's a book." He handed her the book bound in red leather and had gold carvings in it. It was a recent book, for she recognized the title, but it looked so old.

"I can see that. I've already read this, what can I do for you?"

"Open it. Page 173. It's this quote I really thought you'd like."

Lily flipped through the pages and noticed the parchment taped to it. She read the paragraph above it and stared back at James.

'He gazed at her, in all her beauty, and he asked her, "Will you go out with me?"'


James nodded enthusistically. "Brilliant line, isn't it? So what's the answer?"

"No. That was maybe your worst attempt to ask me out, maybe ever."

James sighed, "I know. Sirius and Remus are gone and Peter is missing. I couldn't think of anything better..."

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