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"Evans I need your help," James said. "No, no. It's got to be more sincere. Evans, I need you. No, it sounds too desperate. Hey Evans, I need you to talk to you. Ugh, it sounds too formal."

"You know what sounds stupid? You," Sirius said, rolling around on the floor. "Come on Prongs, you've been practicing talking to Evans for an hour. Can't we go prank someone or get food?"

"Padfoot I've got to find Lily."

"Fine, fine. Do what you like but I'll be in the kitchens. Come on Peter, I can teach you to play wizards chess."

The two boys walked out of the common room and headed to the kitchen leaving James alone. He continued pacing around the room wearing a hole into the ground thinking of how to ask Evans. What he needed help with was beyond anyone.

"Evans I heard you tutor," James said walking up to her. She was sitting in the courtyard reading a book, unsurprisingly.

Lily looked up at him and rolled her eyes instinctively. "What does the almighty James Potter want tutoring for? You're second best in Hogwarts, after me of course."

"I need help with Charms. I'm rotten at them and Flitwick said I should get extra help if I want to get at least an E on the N.E.W.Ts. And you're the best at Charms."

"I suppose I could help you. If you promise not to pull any moves or flirt."

"I can't not flirt, have you seen yourself?"

Once again, Lily rolled her eyes. "I'll meet you in the library at 6 tomorrow."

James smiled and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Brilliant."


Lily sat at the two seater table in the back of the library alone. It was 6:10 already and no sight of James. She had all her books stacked neatly, a fresh set of ink and quills, and her notes from last class prepped on the table. But alas, the seat across from her was empty. She checked the clock again and waited another 5 minutes, but he still didn't show. "Suppose he couldn't bother with me..." Lily got up and began packing up her things but someone coughed from behind.

"Not going anywhere, are you?"

"I waited 15 minutes for you."

"Sorry, practice ran a little late." James sat his bag down and slumped into the chair, his hair askew and his face all flush. "I'm so hungry."

"Well so is Africa but you don't hear them complaining."

James furrowed his brow. "What?"

"Nothing." Lily opened the textbook to the last assignment and started reading it. "So -" The sound of crunching interrupted her. James was digging through his bag, most likely looking for food. "Potter."


"Can you focus or are you not capable of that?"

James wasn't really paying attention to her, and didn't answer. He pulled out a bag of popcorn and grinned. "I knew I had it in there somewhere. There's a prize inside too." Lily sighed, leaning back in her chair. It would be a long night... James pried open the bag and reached in pulling out a large plastic diamond ring. "Oh...er - here." He slipped it on her finger and smiled. "There. Now you can't say I never gave you anything in return."

Lily stared at the ring and then at James.

"You know, if you want to keep this little game of favors going, you can go out with me."

She stared at him, dropping her hand back to her lap. "In your dreams Potter."

"Ah well...one can certainly try."


For all yall One Tree Hill lovers, you know exactly why #23 just had to be this. XoXo

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