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Peter stared at the floor in utter horror. "Prongs, I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed.

Remus walked into the dorm and stared at Peter as if he were a madman. "Prongs isn't in here. What'd you do Wormtail?"

Peter didn't say anything but pointed to the ground. Remus looked but saw nothing, and then it moved. Out of a mound of dirty clothes, which wasn't uncommon around the dorm, came a tiny little creature. Remus grabbed his magnifying glass from his trunk and bent down.

"REMUS REMUS!" came a tiny squeal.

"Well grease my nose and call me Snape! What've you done Peter!"

Peter sank down in his bed and stared at the tiny James trying to stand on top of the pile of clothes. "I dunno. I was doing a potions project and I left it here and next thing I know I come back and it was gone and I nearly stepped on the lad!"

There was a string of squeals coming from the ground and they looked back at James.

"Listen mate, you might be cute but we can't hear you so shut the hell up!" Remus exclaimed. "I'll fix this. Come on Peter, show me what you put in the potion."

The two headed for the door, but Remus stopped and turned back. He carefully picked up James and placed him on his shoulder. "Sorry Prongs, forgot about you. Come on, I know exactly what to do with you."

James sat on Remus's shoulder and slumped down. Serves him right for drinking anything near Peter's bed. 

"Hey Remus!" Mary said. She was sitting with the girls, including Lily, playing a game of cards.

"I have an issue," he said calmly. He picked up James by his tiny robes and displayed him on the palm of his hand.

"Holy mother of Salazar!" Lily exclaimed. "Is that...?" Remus nodded. "How dumb do you have to be to shrink yourself?"

James rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest. He felt like a chipmunk. He leaned against Remus's thumb and smirked at Lily, "So you dig smaller guys?"

Lily just barely understood him and blew so he got knocked over. "You're even annoying when you're smaller than a noodle."

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